Chapter One

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Arthur, my half brother, put out many lies about me in my later life, but few are true or even relevant to my tale. This story will begin with my father, who had cast aside my mother in favor of a younger wife, one who could give him a healthy son, when I was ten. This enraged my mother, who took me with her to her family’s lands – where she sought refuge. I often wish that I had never seen my father again,  after that horrible day.

It was terrible – mother was livid and hurting, a fact my father knew as well as I did, but she hid it under a mask of pleading and repentance. Her fate would be set if she was forced to return to her family and rumors of her being a woman of ill repute would be sure to spread. Because of this, she was willing to do what was expected of her.

She was kneeling before my father, clinging to his tunic with tears streaming down her face when I happened upon them. Neither of my parents took notice of me, and I slipped into the shadows, afraid of what was happening; but even more afraid of not knowing.

“Please, you can’t do this to me!” she cried as her body shook with repressed sobs. “I’ve been a good wife, haven’t I? I did what you willed.”

“What I willed was for you to give me a son,” he said, his deep voice echoing slightly on the stone and plaster walls. “You have not done that.”

“I have tried! We have tried repeatedly! You cannot do this!” Something warm and wet was rolling down my face, and I raised a trembling hand to wipe away the tears.

“It’s too late, Anna.” He told my mother, his face and voice both cold. “My mind is made up.” He kicked her away, not hard enough to injure her, but she sprawled across the floor and didn’t get up.

“If not for me, then what about Morgan? How can you do this to your only living child?” my mother spoke from where she lay, muffled by the hand she had pressed to her mouth.

My heart jerked into my throat and my breath caught. I wanted to run to my mother’s side, but I was paralyzed by my fear.  I knew I shouldn’t be hearing this, so it would be wise to remain hidden. Besides, I couldn’t leave now that my name had been mentioned.

“Morgan will have a secure future,” my father said. “I have already spoken with several possible suitors. She will make a good match.”

“You can’t do that to her!” my mother was standing up now and she dragged herself back to my father. “I would rather see her be declared illegitimate before I see her married at such a young age. She’s still a child, only ten years of age and not yet a woman.”

“How can you say that?” Father was livid. “Be gone from my lands, woman, but my daughter stays.”

“She’s not your pawn,” Mother spat at him before turning and hurrying out of the room. I sunk further into the shadows, unable to move and unable to breathe. My father turned and stormed outside and I was left alone.

He’s planning on marrying me off, I thought, terrified. I wanted to run far, far away from this place. Nothing good can come of this house, I thought hopelessly. Nothing.

I knew the men that my father had spoken of, and all of them were at least thrice my age. I knew that I wouldn’t be a first wife for any of them, and I also knew that I didn’t want anything to do with any of them. Eventually my horror and error lessened and I managed to get away from that terrible spot, fleeing deeper within the small manor house. I knew that my mother was most likely in the solar, where she conducted most of her business, and I needed to be with her. I needed to beg for her to take me with her. I needed to get away from this place.

I had no desire to be married, but I did long to be small enough to hide myself in my mother’s skirts, like a small child. When I entered the solar I was shocked to see my mother sprawled on the bed in the center of the room, sobbing. Her body was shaking, and as I watched, she let out an unearthly shriek, grasping the bed linens in her tightly clenched fists.

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