Chapter 1

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--------Shay's P.O.V---------

"No, I'm not gonna help you take over the world!" I said expressing every bit of hate I  had for Myra at this moment. Up until now we had been good maybe great friends since last year.

Just as she said that Myra showed me the chocolate chip cookie package with a wicked smirk dancing across her face.?

I looked Myra up and down with disgust of her sick humor.

    "I will never ever! I REPEAT NEVER take over the world for a package of the best cookies ever!" I said stomping my foot in anger.

   "That's your stupid choice Shay your stupid choice" Myra repeats walking off out of the dim yellow light that was set off by a old lamp pole into the depth of the night.  

After that I walk out of the dim light that lit up the spot I had the weirdest conversation ever, I was on my way to broadway where my boyfriend Jay lives.

We where going to a party and I only lived a few houses down so I walked downtown to his house .

Walking up to his car I hop into the passenger seat of his Ford pickup truck starting a conversation I can't even remember.Driving off into the dead of night

After 2 hours of beers and Jell-O shots we get in the pickup and start driving home. Giggling  all the way about the most stupid stuff!

--School the next day--

I wake up in the morning to hear my alarm clock blaring. I scream out in the pain. I pull my pillow over my ears and then hear someone running up the stairs.

My mom rushes up to my room and strips me of my covers and buggs me to eat up the tray of food she brought up to me and get ready with

I get in the car with Jay and we drive in silence so both of our head aren't screaming in pain

   As I walk in to see a school full of zombies ready for a bed instead of brains!
I mentally gave myself a high five for that incredible joke.

After first period I am headed on my way to maddi's locker to explain to her all the crazy events that took place last night after I snuck out to see my boyfriend Jay. Jogging over to locker 52 I round the corner and start to babble still whispering not wanting to hurt my head more.

   "Mads! You'll never guess what happened" I  whispered yelled as I jogged up to her locker.

     "What is it hun", a giggling giddy Sasha asked me in a almost yell.

'Jerk' I think to myself. 'I bet she knows that I went to the party because of I grabbed my head and gave her the skink eye.

     "The question wasn't for you ,and you dang well know that Sasha!" I spat.

    "Oppsie sorry hun" she giggled "but what was that big news? OH WAIT  I've got better news" she gushed!

   "What is it 'hun' " I said mockingly still making sure to whisper.

    She rolled her eyes to the back of her head where she believed there was a piece of a brain " I am running for student council! Be ready to lose" she said floating off.

  "Are you kidding me" I boomed to Maddi, whom I finally met up after 3rd period. After that I saw myself and a bunch of other people grab their head and shoot me a glare.

'Sorry' I mouthed

"How could she do that she has a perfect  C average. Doesn't it have to be like a A or B average?" Maddi asked in a soft baffled voice.

    "Yes but I'm sure she did some convincing to the latest president with her cunning ways and now this school is gonna be viewed horribly" I relentlessly ranted to Maddi yet again about Sasha and her army of brats.

     Just then Myra showed up and sprang into a chair a cross from me giving me the ' Say nothing' look completely missed by Maddi.

God I wish I never snuck out of my house for a  simple package of chocolate chip cookies and a party that causes this much pain.

End of Chapter 1

Authors note

Hey guys so this is my first book and I know it probably will suck but I'm trying and I got my friend helping me edit!

Till next time

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