Ariana's POV I woke up to the sound of Justin's music playing downstairs. After sitting in bed for 10 minutes thinking of how tired I am I finally made the biggest decision to get out of bed.
I walked downstairs to see Justin making some breakfast.
"You know you could have at least turned down the music" I said to Justin.
Justin rolled his eyes smiling.
"How long Til breakfast is gonna be ready?" I asked Justin.
"Ummm about 15 minutes" Justin replied.
I walked upstairs to go take a shower. When I was about to walk into the bathroom Toulouse (dog) came in the bathroom attacking me with kisses. It was his birthday today.
After I was done showering I did my hair and got dressed into this outfit.
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And I put my hair in a braid. After I was done i did my makeup then went downstairs to eat. When I was eating I got a text from Grayson.
From Grayson💙: Hey Ariana, are you up?
To Grayson💙: Yeah why?
From Grayson💙: Well idk I just wanted to somehow have a reason to talk to you 😂
To Grayson💙: Aw well see you @ school byeee
Grayson was so weirdly cute.
When I was done eating I was on my way walking to school. And I saw Grayson and his twin brother? Grayson had a twin? Or am I just seeing things. Then I saw Grayson wave to me, nope it's definitely real.
"Hey Ari" Grayson said walking towards me.
"Hey Grayson" I replied.
"Oh this is Ethan" he said pointing to his brother.
"Nice to meet you Ethan I said shaking his hand.
We all walked to school and talked for a bit.
When we walked in the school Selena quickly ran up to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom.
"OMG Selena what was that for??" I asked confused.
"He is SINGLE, DID YOU HEAR ME HE IS SINGLE" Selena said shouting.
"Who is single?" I said calmly at sel.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Okrrrrr sooooo??? What's the point here" I said confused.
Selena gave me a surprised look and said " YOU CAN DATE GRAYSON AND I CAN DATE ETHAN!!!"
"Back the truck up sel, were not sluts who wanna date every hot guy in the school" i said giggling.