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On another sleepless night, mere days away from the camps, I find him smoking on the roof of the car. I climb up next to him with a strange sense of adventure. "What's your nightmare about?" he asks without sparing a glance.

"My daughter," I say. I watch him exhale a ring of smoke before I ask back. "And yours?"

His cheek twitches like he didn't expect me to guess. "My partner."

I grab the cigarette from between his lips and take a drag. He glances at me with eyes that could cut skin, and I blow smoke at his face. His eyes drift shut and he inhales it all. Then he snatches the cigarette back.

"Silas offed him for me," he continues. This time, I don't have to push it. "I didn't have the heart. Did anyone...?"

"No, I..." The knot in my throat was unwelcome. "I had to myself."

He glances at me out of the corner of his eyes. His fingers hook the cigarette and bring it up to my lips. I take a long drag and he takes it back to his own lips. The cig burns out.

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