Meeting his parents ( Forth X Beam )

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forthefirstime : Beam

Beambeamboo : what?

forthefirstime : where are you?

Beambeamboo : in my room, why?

forthefirstime : do you have something to do this night?

Beambeamboo : nah, i'm free today. whats wrong?

forthefirstime : well, my parents are in thailand now they just cameback from england last night.

Beambeamboo : so?

Forthefirstime : i'd like to introduce you to my parents. as a boyfriend of course

Beambeamboo : WHAT?!


forthefirstime : yes my love, today.

Beambeamboo : but, but i thought you would never introduce me to your parents forth?

forthefirstime : who said that baby? i never said that i would never introduce you to my parents, right?

beambeamboo : but what if they don't like me? probably hates me?

forthefirstime : no! they would love you i swear to god!

forthefirstime : i know my parents very well, love. they are not as bad as you think. they never hates everyone

beambeamboo : well, okay then. but forth i'm still nervous

forthefirstime : trust me Beam, they would be in love with you as i am 🙂

forthefirstime : but not much as i am 😘

forthefirstime : because my love for you is bigger than everything 😘

Beambeamboo : ai forth! stop it! your words make me cringe 😖 5555

forthefirstime : ouch that hurt beam 😢

Beambeamboo : er er enough, now can you please pick me up? i want to buy something for your parents

forthefirstime : ok khub! wait for me na ' my wife ' 😉

Beambeamboo : ai forth! you jerk!

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