Pinch || PhaYo

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" P'Pha look! my mom just bought me a new sneakers. it's so cute, isn't it? "


"P'pha! i want to buy ice cream, do you want some?"


" P'Pha, don't ignoring me! "


Pinch! pinch! pinch! pinch!

" P'Pha~ Keep your hands away from my cheeks! " he whined


" P'Pha! can you not pinching my cheeks just for one day? do you think this doesn't hurt when you pinch my cheek?! " yelled Wayo

Phana, the one who pinch wayo cheek. only laughing at him, Pha are so obsessed with Wayo cheeks, because his cheeks are the most soft cutie chubby cheeks that he ever seen. He loves to pinch his junior Cheeks everytime they met for talk or anything.

" don't laugh p'! it's not funny you know " said yo pouting his lips.

Pha stopped his laughing when he saw his favorite junior pouting lips, and change it to warm smile.

" you know that i can't not pinching your cheeks even just for one day? "

Wayo even more pouting his lips " but it's hurt p'! and you know that! "

" don't blame me, it's because you have such a cute adorable chubby cheeks "

Wayo frowned and even more pouting his lips " oh, so you said that i'm fat? right? then tomorrow i will start my diet so everyone can't pinch my cheeks again, especially you p'pha! "

Pha shook his head " no, you're not allowed to lose your weight "

Wayo frowned " why? i want to lose some fat on my cheeks, so my face can look a little smaller "

" if your cheeks are not chubby again, that's mean i can't pinch your cheeks again? "

" Yup! "

" i will be sad then " said Pha

" au, if i lose some weight why would you be sad p'pha? that is good if i want to lose some weight, isn't it? "

" no "

" au p' you're weird, i'm doing this because you always pinching my cheeks " said wayo rolled his eyes

" ai yo, remember that i only do skinship with people that i love the most? besides my mom and my dad? "

Wayo nods

" do you want to know why i only loves to pinch your cheeks even though Kit's cheeks also chubby like yours? "

" what? " asked  wayo

" it's because the person that i love right now, its you Wayo. you're the one who i love the most besides my mom and my dad that's why i only do this skinship with you " Said Pha, wayo freeze. he doesn't know what will he do to this handsome senior.

" p-pha ? "

" Nong Yo, do you want to be my boyfriend? " Said Pha, he hold wayo hands amd staring at him. wayo were starkng into phana eyes looking for lies but he can't find it, the only he found is True Love.

" y-yes p' i want to be your boyfriend...."

Phana tried to hide his happiness and show it with huge smile on his face " what? i can't hear it, say it again "

Wayo Pouting his lips again " huft, i said yes p' i want to be your boyfriend, enough? " said wayo a little bit louder this time but Pha is Pha he still wants to made his little small bean annoyed.

" what? p' still can't hear it clearly "

" I SAID I WANT TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND AI PHANA KONGTHANIN ! " yelled wayo, the whole corridor now were looking at them.

Wayo cursing at himself, why the hell he shouting like that? see what you have done yo, the whole corridor were looking at you both. everyones in corridor gave the a huge applause and some of them gabe them a congrats and even take a picture with these both and some of them were crying because their Mr. Moons now doesn't single anymore.


" Nong yo~ " Called Pha to yo who were focus reading a book.

" yes p' ? "


" P'PHA! DIDN'T I SAID DON'T EVER TRIED TO PINCH MY CHEEKS AGAIN?! " yelled Yo but before wayo wants to pinch his boyfriend back, Pha already run from him and went to his basketball team.


Wayo let out a small sigh, he shook his head " ck he's so annoying "

" but i love him tho " said wayo smiling at his handsome boyfriend and continue his reading while waiting for his boyfriend who were practicing basketball with his friend.

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