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Fire. Smoke. Its everywhere. Screaming for help that will never come. The small village i currently live in is on fire. It all started when an army attacked our village in the middle of the night. I lost my family and my house.

The only thing i have now are my friends. We're walking in the woods for more than several hours just to get away from our village that has been attacked. Yoichi is walking close to Kimizuki while the other two girls Shinoa and Mitsuba walking not far ahead of us trying so hard to hold back their tears. I can't blame them. Each one of us lost something important back there and going back would be suicide.

We're currently trying to find somewhere to stay to survive but hours of searching makes our hope begin to vanish bit by bit. Shinoa stopped her track and turned to look at us. "I think we should rest. My feet are tired from walking too long." She said. "She's right." Yoichi agreed. "I wish we can but not here. We don't what about to come at us in the woods. Hence we have no weapon to defend ourselves from danger." Kimizuki said.

He has a point and we continue to walk until we saw the end of the woods. I heard water streaming. The sounds of footsteps and voice murmuring not to far ahead of us.

"I'm not hearing things right?" I asked and dashed forward with my friends called out my name and chased after me. As we stepped out of the woods, we gapped what was beyond us. It's a peaceful town. The people are smiling and offering foods. The houses seems to be a good place to live in. Flowers and trees are everywhere. A huge fountain surrounded by kids where they threw coins to make a wish. I looked furthur and saw a huge castle up at the hill.

"Woah." I gapped. "Yeah woah" Kimizuki said. "I never seen a place as beautiful as this. It looks magical." Shinoa gleamed as she walked towards the village. "Shinoa!" Mitsuba ran towards her and we follow suit.

Its a good thing our appearances are not that bad and our clothes does not have any stain or burn by fire. So we easily fit in with the villagers. We stared in awed around town until Yoichi stop when something catches his attention.

"Hey guys look." He pointed at swarm of people. "What do you think is happen over there?" I asked and Kimizuki snort. "We already had our hands full of troubles from our village. I'm not going to get any more trouble than this." He crossed his arms but i can see he's curious. "Ohhh a scandal maybe?" Shinoa chirped and skipped towards the crowd of people. "Fucking devil trying to make things harder for us" i muttered and we trailed behind her until we reached the crowd.

We insist. Please accept our gifts." And old lady and a child held our a box of apples towards someone. Damn that looks good. When was the last time i eat again? I licked my bottom lips. "Thank you buy i rather you share this scrumptious apples with the villagers." He said with a smiled.

He turned around and our eyes locked. Holy shit i swear my heart almost stop at his features. He has blonde hair that looks so tempting to ruffle. His skin are so white and pale. Not to mention his eyes are so freakishly blue. He's hot. I blushed and looked down, away from his gaze.

I heard footsteps coming nearer until i saw a pair of dark shoes. "Good morning." He greeted and i looked back up then instantly regret at how our close our face are. I took a stepped back and nodded. "Good morning" Yoichi greeted back with a smile. "I haven't see you people before. Are you new here in town?"he raised his perfectly arched eyebrows. "Ahh about that.." Shinoa began to explain what happened and he nodded.

"That's unfortunate." He stared up and down to each of us and nodded. "Come with me to the castle." After he said that. Mitsuba and Kimizuki were on guard. "Are you going to lock us up?" Mitsuba glared at the guy and he chuckled. Holy shit not only he's hot but he has cute laugh too. No Yuu stop it! I shook my head. "Nothing like that. Come." He said and we followed him until we reached the castle.

On our way there. Shinoa leaned closed to me. She stared at me with a knowing expression. She's gonna ask something stupid and right on the fact. I tried my hardest to look blank until she poked my cheek. "I can sense love at first sight here Yuu-san." She whispered. "Shut the fuck up Shinoa." I pushed her away and she laughed with glee. I swear she's never going to let me live peacefully.

When we reached to the gate of the castle. Two young guards suddenly solute. "Welcome back Prince Mikaela!" After they said that. We were shocked. This guy is a fucking prince?! "Stop with the formality Lacus. We're friends." The guy name Mikaela said. Lacus looked around to see if there is any people. "Not that i wanted to Mika. We only do this during our job right Rene?" Lacus looked at the guy named Rene and he nodded. This guy don't talk much isn't he.

"Visitors of yours?" Lacus eyes darted towards us. Mikaela nodded. "You know the queen won't be happy if she finds out." He warned. "But they're-" "Yeah yeah you probably wanted to help them." Lacus rest his hands on his hips and sighed. But he smiled smiled at the prince nonetheless. "Brings me back when you help Rene and i when we were kids." He said. Rene opened the gate and let us in.

The prince entered first. Just as we're about to get in, Lacus stopped us. "Just so you know. If any of you betray the prince. I'll fucking end you." Lacus stepped back and stood next to Rene who was giving us a warning glare. "Well i guess we'll see you around!" Lacus waved and close the gate leaving us feeling on edge.

"Looks like the prince here are very loved here by everyone." Kimizuki scratched his short pink hair. "Scratch that! We'll be killed in any moment." I said and Shinoa placed her small hands on my shoulders. "Relax we'll be fine as long as we don't betray him. It's not like we would because we have no other place to stay but here." She said. Shinoa is right there. We'll be damn if we betray him.

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