New job. New life

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The Prince gave us clothes to wear. Judging by the clothes, we're going to be his servant. Not that i mind that much. It's not like we have a choice anyway after what happened to our village. I took a shower to get ready and went to the throne room that the prince had showed us before we get ready.

As i enter the room, my friends were already there with Yoichi waved at me with a smile. The five of us lined up and wait for the Prince to show up. "I'm so excited. I talked to several maids earlier to get some info. If we work here, we get to our own room. Free course meal everytime and the salary are high." Shinoa claps her hands together in excitement. "Wowee we're a lucky bunch of assholes." Kimizuki said and Yoichi hit his side. "Language. We're in the castle." Yoichi pouted. "Yeah telephone pole. Language." I sneered at him which he was really irritated. "Quite you imbeciles. Someone's coming." Mitsuba warned and we steadied ourselves.

The door opened with a short yet intimidating young woman with pink hair and red eyes. She walked towards her throne with grace and confidence. Kimizuki let out a low whisle. She stepped up to her throne and take a seat. She stared at is with a blank stare. Is it me or she mostly staring at me. I gulped.

The door suddenly opened again revealing Prince Mikaela wearing formal attire. His skin is already white and when he wear his white formal attire it makes him more like an angel. The top fit every curve of his body with... is that thigh high boots? That is so showing off his long slender legs. As he walked past us, my eyes darted down to his ass and i quickly look away. Not only he's hot. He has nice round ass too. Don't get a boner here Yuu. I tried to think about anything disgusting to distract myself from having any dirty thoughts.

The prince stood next to the woman. She stood up and took a step forward. "Greetings. I'm the Queen. Krul Tepes. I had been informed by my son that your village had been destroyed?" She asked and we nodded. "Not only that, my son also informed me that you don't have a place to stay. Therefore.." she snapped her fingers and a woman with almost blonde hair came into the room. She quickly stood infront of us with a smile. "Her Name is Sayuri. She will be in charge the five of you and she is also known as The prince advisor." The queen said and Sayuri bowed. "Please to meet you all." She said.

The queen began to talk to the prince about something and looked back at us from time to time then she stared directly at me. Calm down Yuu. She doesn't know you have a crush on the hot prince. Sweat dripping down my temple and i bit my lower lip. My eyes moved to see the prince smiled at me. I blushed and looked back at the queen. She smirked and walked out of the throne room. Fuck. She knows.

The prince walked towards us. "I guess you'll be staying staying here for a while." He said. "Not a while. For a long time to be exact." Sayuri chuckled. "So it seems." He looked at us. "I'll be going. I have some work to do." He said and walked away not without staring at me not more than 3 seconds.

Sayuri looked at the papers she's holding. "Let me go to the breifing." She said. "Oh there's no need. We already know." Shinoa grinned. "Well that makes my job more easier then." She nodded. "As you can see you're all servants to the queen and the prince from now on and i'll be giving tasks of what the four of you need to do." She said.

"Uhh the four of us? Isn't it suppose to be five of us?" I asked in confusion. "Yes the four excluding you Yuuichirou." She smiled. "And why is that?" I huffed. Sayuri eyes seems gleamed for a moment. "You'll be the prince personal butler." After she said that my eyes went wide. "Come again?" I asked in shock. "You'll be the prince personal butler." She said it again. "Yeah i've heard the first time but why me?" I fold my arms. "Yeah why him? I mean not that i care but he's the most stubborn brat, clumsy and top of that he's dumb." Kimizuki pointed at me and i yanked his hair. "What was that telephone pole?! At least i'm not tall like you who is always got his head hit by a door frame!" I shouted at him. "Guys please stop.." Yoichi tried to stop us.

"They're always like this so don't mind them and you can just call him Yuu. It's a mouthful to call him by his full name. Shinoa said. Sayuri nodded. "Yuu. I want you to start training tomorrow. Nothing heavy. Just know how to serve, riding a horse, fence, the ability to use gun and list goes on so here." She gave me a to do list. More like skills to learn. Like hell i'm going to master all of this at once.

"Excuse me. Since Yuu have to learn all of those. Does that mean the prince doesn't have a butler before this?" Mitsuba asked. Now that she mention it. It made me curious. Sayuri expression saddened and her eyes narrowed. "He did." She muttered. "Did?" I raised my eyebrows. She clasps her hands together. "Yes. But only to be betrayed by his own butler." She mumbled and we let out an 'ohhs'. "It's not my place to say anything." She held her head back up. "You have my trust. Prince Mikaela won't bring just anyone to this castle. I'm counting on you guys. Your job will start this afternoon so be prepare." She said and we nodded. So much for slacking around. I sighed

The prince and his servantWhere stories live. Discover now