Chapter 3

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All Gold Everything: Chapter 3

*Aaliyah P.O.V.*
*1 Month Later*

This past month has just flown by like it was nothing. Its been crazy rolling with these guys and Honey but I'm so thankful we've all grown on each other. As far as Tyga, him and I are still at each others throat when it comes to arguments over the dumbest shit.

Today Cindy and I came to school in a pair of plaid pajama pants, pink for me and purple for her, slippers, hairs in a messy bun, and a sweatshirt. She kicked it at my house last night and we had barely any time to get ready, so we just threw on pajamas and called it a day. We were up all night FaceTiming Trey's lonely ass but it was well worth it.

"I'm so fuckin' tired right now." Cindy yawned as she dragged her sleepy self over to my desk. We were in first right now and there was still a few minutes before the bell rang.

"Me too but stay awake. I don't want you to sleep, leavin' me alone with Chris' ass." Speakin' of the devil, here he came with his happy self.

"Mornin' ladies. Y'all look like a hot mess." He said as he sat down. He pulled Cindy in his lap and she laid right on his chest. Her eyelids started to look heavy as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "I can tell y'all had a late night. Cindy don't fall asleep on me with your ghetto ass." He laughed as he pulled on her bun.

"Fuck you Chris. Just let me sleep for like 5 minutes and I'll be good to go." She yawned again as she snuggled more into Chris. I thought they looked so cute like that.

"We were FaceTiming Trey all night so her ass is on zombie mode."

"I can tell, I bet I could push her off me so she crashed onto the floor and that still wouldn't wake her up. Is she sleeping right now?"

"Yup. She's dead ass asleep. Good luck moving her, cause I ain't gon' help your ass out with that one." I watched as he carefully tried to move her but she only snuggled herself more into him.

"Well I guess I'm gon' be her bed till she wakes the fuck up. So anything new with you?"

"Nothing much. You?" I felt my phone vibrate and saw it was a text from Ty.

8:21 a.m. Tyga- aye wat r u doin after school?
8:22 a.m. Me- Nothin' why?
8:23 a.m. Tyga- wanted to kno if u wanted to hang out?
8:24 a.m. Me- maybe
8:25 a.m. Tyga- maybe? I need a yes or no girl
8:26 a.m. Me- Nigga you get a maybe and you gon' settle with that answer. I got to go.
8:27 a.m. Tyga- Nah I'm Tyga, I get a yes or no, and u ain't goin' no where.

I just put my phone back in my bag and went back to focusing on Chris. I would hang with Tyga after school but there's a chance he might be with his hoe, Lizzie. He's said it a countless number of times that he'd leave her ass but they always end up right back with each other. I can't stand her annoying ass and neither can Honey, Cindy, and the guys. Tyga even complains about her yet he still continues to be with her ass.

I just don't get it.

*After Class*

Cindy and Chris had to go to their class early to finish up some project so I was roaming the halls alone trying to find Honey.

I came across the E hall and saw Tyga with Lizzie. It was a disgusting sight but I kept walking.

"Aye Aaliyah." I heard him say but I chose not to say anything in return. Lizzie the kind of hoe where if a female friend says hi to Tyga she'll be all protective ass over him. I wasn't scared or anything, but that was just unnecessary bullshit just waiting to pop off. "Hold on a sec." He must have said to Lizzie. I felt a hard pull on my arm that made me turn around to face a not so pleased Tyga.

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