Chapter 4

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All Gold Everything: Chapter 4

*Tyga P.O.V.*

At first she tried to fight me but she gave into the kiss like I was hoping she would. We were pressed chest to chest with our lips moving in sync.

I felt her wrap her arms around my neck as she relaxed in my arms. I'm not about to lie and say I haven't wanted this to happen, but since day one I've wanted a little more than just a friendship with Aaliyah. I just wasn't sure if that's what she wanted with me so I never really did much to become more than just friends.

"What was that?" She asked once we finally parted from each other. We locked our eyes and starred deep into each other.

"Fuck if I know, but I didn't mind it one bit." I slowly caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. I could feel her cheeks start to burn as the corners of her mouth formed into a smile. "I can tell you liked it too." I gently kissed her forehead. She was still speechless and I wasn't really sure why I was feelin' like this. Especially with Aaliyah. "Am I doin' too much?"

"Nah you're straight. But why are you bein' so affectionate?"

"I wish I knew why. I honestly don't know. You just got me feelin' some kind of way." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I like this affectionate side of you. Its really cute."

"I'm glad you like it cause I've never been like this before." There's never been a female that ever had me feel a certain way. With Aaliyah, she either pisses me the fuck off or she makes me, well, like this. I didn't like this feelin' only because it left me awkward since its all so new to me.

"Um, maybe I should be getting home-"

"Nah, stay the night with me?" I wanted her right here by my side- Whoa. Wait. Nah this ain't me at all.

"Stay the night? Nigga are you high?" She said with a small laugh.

"I ain't high, I just don't feel like driving your loud ass home. Stay here and tomorrow morning I'll take you home to get changed and shit, then we'll go to school."

"Aight, I'll kick it here with you." I pulled the blankets up over us before getting more comfortable laying on my side.

*Aaliyah P.O.V.*
*In The Morning*

I woke up still tangled in Tyga's arms. I was honestly really surprised by all this. I've never seen him this way, so I wasn't sure how to react. I mean, that kiss last night was just wow. Words can't even begin to explain how that kiss made me feel.

"You awake huh?" Tyga said with a yawn.

"Yeah, I see you slept well."

"I slept like the King that I know I am." He said with a self-assured laugh that left me rolling my eyes.

"Whatever the fuck you gotta tell yourself."

"I ont needa tell myself I'm a King. The world already tells me I'm King." Nigga be so self centered sometimes, I swear. It makes me want to slap the absolute shit out of him.

"You're so full of yourself."

"I know." He continued to laugh. When his laughing died down we were once again studying each other as we laid face to face in his bed. It felt like we were having a secret conversation with just our eyes. I watched as his facial expressions gradually changed. "Aaliyah?" He finally said breaking off the concentration we had.


"Would there ever be an us?" He said in the smoothest voice.

I was completely caught off guard by that question. I saw an estranged look on his face. Would there really be an us? Aaliyah and Tyga?

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