Chapter 2

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"And y/n this is Blaze
Blaze this is y/n" Aphmau said introducing us
"Hello y/n" Blaze said with a grin

"So y/n what homeroom are you in?" Dottie asked me
"Umm room 202"
"That's my homeroom" Daniel said
"Oh uh can we walk there together I don't know where anything is yet.."
"Sure come on"

We said bye to everyone and started
walking to homeroom

Blaze's POV
"So Aphmau, how do you know her" Dottie asked
"Oh we live in the same neighbourhood and are childhood friends" she replied

'She's super cute' I thought to my self as Dottie, Rylan, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan leave for homeroom
"Blaze?" Aphmau said worryingly
"Yeah? What's up"
"You were kinda spacing out there"
"N-no I wasn't! I was thinking about going to class"
"Hmmm oh I get it"
"...get what"
"Eehehehehehe" Aphmau said slowly backing away into the school.

She started running to her homeroom and I gave up chasing her
'Does she know... that I think she's cute?... but I only think she's cute... that doesn't mean anything! I should get to know her before I start thinking like this"

Hey guys Author~Chan here I hope you like this new chapter, I've already started working on Chapter three so that'll be out shortly! Have a good day
Author~Chan out

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