Chapter 28

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We arrived at Star Light and were immediately greeted by lots of staff.
"May I take your bags" A staff member asked bringing out a cart to put our belongings on.
"Yes, Thank you" I said as Blaze and myself both put our bags onto the cart

"You will be staying in the villa 606. Correct?" Another member of staff said holding some papers
"Yes that is correct" I said
"Perfect, here is a map of the park, and your room key. Enjoy your stay at Startlight Adventure Park" The employee said with a huge cheesy smile, waving to us.

We followed the employees that took our bags to our room. We thanked them and took our bags inside.

We were greeted with a massive hallway with a set of spiral stairs and a lot of doors. We explored the villa and found two bedrooms one with a double bed and one with two singles. Multiple bathrooms a giant kitchen diner, and a beautiful lounge.

We put our things down and walked towards the back door, which was entirety glass. Through the glass door there was a amazing looking pool with floating toys in it. And lots of sun beds around the circumference of the pool. 

"This place is beautiful!" I said running out towards the pool followed by Blaze
"Not as beautiful as you" He replied putting his arm around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.

'I can tell this is going to be an amazing holiday'

After we finished unpacking most of our things we decided to take a break and watch some tv whilst deciding what we were going to do tomorrow.

"How about we go to the beach?" I suggest to Blaze who just seems to be watching the tv
"Blaze!" I said bringing him back to reality
"Anything sounds good, as long as your happy" he said kissing my cheek

I feel my entire face go red and look away from Blaze embarrassed.

"S-so the b-beach" I say stuttering
"Yeah sounds good"

"Its midnight maybe we should go to sleep" Blaze said looking at his phone
"Okay" I said standing up

After we were both ready to sleep, I realised something... where are we going to sleep? There's a double bed, and as much as I would love to share a bed with Blaze again, I think I would die from embarrassment, but if we sleep in single beds I might hurt his feelings and make him think that I didn't like sharing a bed...

'Am I overthinking this? I'll just see where Blaze goes'

I wait in the hall for Blaze and follow him to a room.
'H-he went for the double bed...omg omg omg!! I'm going to sleep in the same bed as Blaze for and entire summer!!!! OMG!!' I thought as I climbed into the bed.

I layed on my side and say goodnight to Blaze
I closed my eyes ready to sleep, when Blaze put his arms around me whispering goodnight into my ear.

A/n I'm back from holiday! And I hoped you liked this chapter as always
Author~Chan out

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