Chapter 1

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A/n Hey guys!!!! This is my first book ever I appreciate you giving my book a chance please point out any mistakes I update at least 3 times a week. It might be more but no promises
I open my bright blue eyes and take in my surroundings. Where am I? Lights, cameras, people. People. People everywhere. "Where am I!" The room goes quiet and everyone stares at me. "Why are you all looking at me like that! Someone give me answers or I will be-"
"And who are you" a cold rough, scratchy voice interrupts me. Wait who am I? Where am I? What am I doing here. All these thoughts overwhelm me. I am so scared, why, who, when did this happen. I start feeling dizzy and slowly see black spots. My whole world came down on me and that's when my thoughts ended.

De ja vu. I woke up again accept this time I felt cold metal against my skin.
"I'm only gonna ask you one more time."the cold dark voice from before asked.
"I...I...I don't know?" I stuttered.
I felt a hard painful shock against my neck. "If you refuse to talk it will only get worst." He says again.
"I don't know." I whispered softly
"I don't know!" This time yelling at him while tears started emerging from my eyes. I was full out crying now. "I don't know anything ok so just leave me alone please!" It was a weird feeling not knowing anything about you. Most teenage girls should be partying with there friends or going out on dates meanwhile I am here chained to a cold metal chair waiting for the polices decision on what they want to do with me. Yea I'm quite proud. I figured out where I was and who that mean old grouch was. Officer Dimitri porter. Ugh even his name sounds like a total grump. I dont know how long I've been in This room for but it feels like forever. As if it was right on cue another police officer comes in but he looks about my age. Officer Erick Mclellan. Ha more like officer Erick Mc-sexy. He smiles the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. It's like 20 white pearls perfectly in line. "Hi I'm Erick, I'm here to help you find your family."
Hey guys sorry if it's a bit short. Hope you liked it. If any one has any comments or suggestions I would appreciate it. Also bear with me because it will get better I promise!
Ily❤️ -kylie

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