Chapter Two

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I have gym now. Great gym. Just one more thing to have people to make fun of me for. I change into my gym clothes and slowly head to the gym. I open the doors and see the boys playing basketball and the girls just talking. I go to the bleachers and wait for class to officially start.

"Why hey you." A voice said sitting next to me.

Omg. It's him. Why is he sitting next to me? If anyone sees him, his highschool years are over already.

I give him a stare. A "go away I don't like people" stare. He just sits there, nervous, smiling.

Wait why nervous?

"Well if you're not going to tell me your name or anything. I'll just say some things about me." He said, still smiling, leaning back a bit.

Oh dear god. JUST LEAVE.

"So to start off my name is Dylan. Dylan Sampson. I'm 15, I like sports and making people laugh." He looks at me. Why is he so happy about life?

I sigh.

"My name is Ariana. Ariana Grande Butera. I'm 15, and hate this hell hole."

I look straight ahead but I can feel his eyes on me.

The whistle blows. I cringe at the thought of having to do relay races with these people. I quickly run and crawl behind the bleachers. Dylan follows.

I sit down. So does he.

"So that's all you're going to tell me?"

I glare at him.

"Hey listen I know you may hate me,"

Huh. No shit Sherlock

"even though we never even met, but please just talk to me."

I stay silent. I hear him sigh. We both just sit there in silence for a while. Then for some reason I feel so guilty. There's someone who really wants to know me but I won't let him...

No Ariana. Remember, the promise.

I get up and leave the gym. Nobody even notices me go. Like they would notice at all.


After school I go to the auditorium. There was a sign up sheet outside for a new play. 13. I read the list, there's only one name. Elizabeth Gillies.

I was shocked to see any name up there. Nobody here cares about Theatre. I should know, every year I audition, every year I get a part, and every year there's never enough people to continue the play.

Who's this Elizabeth girl anyway?

I open the doors and head inside. The door opens and I hear footsteps coming towards me.

Please don't be Dylan. Please don't be Dylan. Please don't be Dylan

I beg to myself.

Well surprise surprise.

Its Dylan.

He sits down next to me. Why does he hang around me at all? Without me thinking. Without him saying a word, I blare out

"I like acting. And singing. The only things that I can connect to."

He looks at me shocked.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Did little quiet Ariana actually say something to me?!" He said sarcastically and loud.

I start blushing. Just the way he said it I felt like laughing. I haven't done that in a long time.

He smiles.

I smile.

"And I get a smile too?! What has happened in the past hour?" He said sarcastically again.

I give a quiet laugh. Maybe he's not so bad after all. Maybe I should give him a chance.

"Well," he started "if you love acting and singing so much, why don't you sign up for the play?"

My smile fades away.

"Who cares. We can never have performances here. Nobody ever signs up. Plus who would want to see ugly, stupid Ari The Mutant right?"

He just stares at me sympathetically.

"Well I see that someone named Elizabeth sign up. So at least someone cares."

"Hm. I bet." I say sarcastically standing up.

"Hey where are you going?"


He gets up and rushes towards me. He appears in front of me and touch both my shoulders.

"At least let me drive you. Its pouring out."

"No." I push him away and keep walking.

He chases after me again.

"Why not?"

"I have plans."

"What plans?"

"Death" I think to myself.

"Just plans."

I walk out of the auditorium and walk down the hall.

"But wait!" He yells

To late I'm already outside.


One person read this so I decided to update! Lol I know I'm lame. But I hope this chapter is good. Just wait for what's next xoxo

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