Chapter Three

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I walk in the rain. I don't know where to go but I don't want to go home. I just want to go somewhere outside of this place. Now I don't really want to kill myself, just to keep others safe. I have battle scars that I'm hoping will fade away.

"Hey little mutant!" A girl yells out of her car splashing me with mud.

Running to nowhere specific in my damp converse, I begin to cry. I can't take this anymore. Why do they do this to me? What's wrong with me?

I spot a trail. I run towards it. As I get farther in I decide to stop. I fall to the ground, tears falling down my cheeks along with the rain. I sit for a while, just letting everything out.

You're a loser. You need to die. Nobody wants you. You have no future.

Suddenly I hear a car pull up. Scared of who it might be I get up and run. I've been doing that a lot lately.

"WAIT! ARIANA!" A familiar voice yells

I turn around to see Dylan jogging towards me. He is one hell of a stalker I'll tell you that.

"What are you doing here?" I say hiding my face.

"I saw you run in here and decided to see what the hell was going on. Now come on. I'm going to give you a ride home, no exceptions." He tells me.

"You followed me in here?!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah yeah just come on." He says as he grabs my arm.

I go into the car. He starts it up and in 5 minutes we're out of the woods.

"...Look I just wanted to help okay."

I stay silent.

"At least tell me the directions."

I tell him. When we're in front of my house, I get out and slam the door. Then I disappear into my home.


Dylan's POV:

I saw Ariana run into the woods. I knew that something was wrong. I went into the woods searching for her for about 5 minutes. When I saw her she was on the ground. I heard her sobbing. Heard her yelling to herself, all her insecurities.

Except she's really amazing even though she won't allow me into her life, I can tell.

She starts to run.

"WAIT! ARIANA!" I yell.

She turned around but didn't look so happy to see me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I saw you run in here and decided to see what the hell was going on. Now come on. I'm going to give you a ride home, no exceptions." I responded.

She looks up. She seems really mad at this point.

"You followed me in here?!" she yells

Geez. So much for trying to help.

"Yeah yeah just come on." I grab her arm and we go inside of the car.

After a few long, awkward minutes I say

"...Look I was just trying to help."

She ignores me. We just met today, but she seems to always stay shut. Life seems pretty rough on her.

She gives me the directions to her house. When we get there she slams my door and disappears inside.

I just wish I could see her smile. Nobody's life should be like this.

With that thought I drive away.

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