Chapter 19 Back on track

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"OH YHEA WERE BACK" screamed a familiar eevee, going by the name James. "Okay uuhhh James . . . . who are you talking to?" Asked, with mild concern, the eevee's owner. A once human now turned chesnaught " . . . . I don't know . . ." Replied James as he leapt off the sofa and climbed onto his owners shoulder "onwards my noble steed to the field of battle" declared James as he motioned towards the exit and then to the back of the house, towards the garden. "With a few weeks before school starts again, instead of relaxing, I'm training for a fight that I'm never gonna hav-" whilst moving through the kitchen to the backdoor George was rudely interrupted by the companion on his shoulder "hey you never know, one day you might get into a fight and, oh I don't know, THANK me" he commented slyly as he leapt off the shoulders and landed gracefully on the ground outside, George rolled his eyes in response and left the eevee to talk to his younger brother, who also met the same fate as him and became a Pokèmon, a Riolu "So Josh you think your ready to throw down with the big boys" Josh replied with crossed arms and determination burning in his eyes "trust me I'm gonna wipe the floor with that shell of yours" "you talk big for such a little fur ball" with the banter aside the pair took separate sides of the small arena with James sitting on the outside sofa, waiting for the two to clash 'my moneys on the big one, I'll be incredibly disappointed in him if he losses to the pipsqueak' as he waited for the fight / training to being he found himself being joined by another pokèmon, this time Joshes tepig "so who do you think is going to win" he asked as he struggled, very slightly, onto the sofa to join James "big one, you?" "Uuhhh . . I think little one" "really? I mean the bigger one has had more training" "yhea but the little one is faster and will be harder to hit" "UM EXCUSE ME WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU YA KNOW" Josh yelled over to the two chatting pokèmon, tepig froze up while James simply rolled his eyes and waited in silence.

Both sides tried to stare each other down, a fierce chill hung in the air and the wind threw some leafs past the center of the field in a hurry, almost like done to avoid any harm from either side. The first to move was the Riolu, with a leap into the air. The chesnaught remained still, but kept his eyes on his target, Josh threw his hands together and began to focus the needed energy into his palms. The sphere began to form almost immediately, it's pale ocean blue light began to brighten the area slightly, George still didn't move, he just stared up at his opponent and waited for the incoming attack, after a few more seconds Josh let one hand fall off of the aura sphere and the other pelted the ball towards his brother, with incredible accuracy, like a baseball towards the batter 'I'll admit he's good but the other ones better' James thought as he watched the Riolu's first attack. The chesnaught finally decided to move, his first action was to deflect the shot with his arm, sending it far into the sky, above the clouds. He then called forth his vine whips and sent them upwards to attack his falling opponent, with just as incredible speed, to defend Josh used bone rush and parried the first vine, and jumped onto the second one to slide down on "heh not bad, but your still not as good as me" mocked George as commanded the first vine to chase after the Riolu, that was now closing the space between him and the Chesnaught. In mere seconds Josh went from on the vine into the air once again as he raised the bone in his hands to smash down on his targets head. Just like before George blocked the attack with his arm but this time let both vines wrap around Joshes waist and throw him across the garden back to his starting position. He was able to land softly and block the incoming fist of his attacker, and then went to using an aura sphere in one hand and smacked it into the Chesnaught's stomach, forcing him to jump back a bit. "Not as strong I see,so you still need both hands for your strongest attack" mocked the chesnaught again "oh trust me you haven't seen everything yet" called back the Riolu as he once again lunged forward and went for a swing with the bone in both hands. The clash with Joshes bone rush and George's arm was intense, causing some dust from the ground to blow around the area, for a moment both sides were equal, neither giving in and neither showing any sign of surrender. The clash continued, Josh was giving it his all, some sweat running down his head as he pushed all his strength into his attack, George just smiled as his arm started glowing an chalk like white 'hammer arm, so he wanted me to attack like this' realized the Riolu, but it was too late. The bone he held in his hand shattered and fell to pieces as he too fell to the ground, its remains disintegrating as it lost all power it had left. The Riolu took a leap backwards and charged another aura sphere, using both hands this time, the Chesnaught also took a leap back and began to charge up his own, not to mention only, projectile attack. Pin missile. Both sides let loose their attack at the same time, Josh hurling his with all his might and the Chesnaught letting loose only five missiles, both attacks brightened the area with a mixture of green and blue. The first collision with the sphere and two of the missiles led to an explosion of smoke followed by the sphere continuing it's journey towards the Chesnaught at a slower pace than before. The next pin missile seemed to slow the aura sphere further and the fourth one shattered the sphere, where was the fifth one? Well it was busy homing in on the swift and agile Riolu, being able to dodge it even if by a few inches. "He's getting sloppy~" mocked James to the Tepig sitting next to him "that's not true . . . . . DON'T LISTEN TO HIM YOU CAN DO IT JOSH" screamed the Tepig in support, Josh turned to face him while still dodging the incoming emerald projectile 'he's right I can't give up, not with him backing me up and not with all the super tough training I've put myself under, heh dodging this pin missile is too ea- OH GOD WHERE'S GEORGE GONE' the Riolu didn't have much time to react as he felt himself leave the ground and some pain hit his back like a brick, however thanks to the endurance Riolu's have he was able to endure the hit without much physical pain to deal with later. As he was sent higher into the air he looked down to see his brother looking up at his triumphantly, his arm still covered in the energy he used in his hammer arm move to send Josh into the air. Josh wasn't too worried about falling to the ground. No he was more worried about the incoming pin missile and that the fact that he couldn't muster the energy to summon an attack to block it. A sudden scream was cut off by the explosion that erupted from the impact of the pin missile and the Riolu, Josh emerged from the cloud completely spent of energy and extremely tired, all he could really was brace for impact. Although the sudden pain that would of came with hitting the ground never came, instead Josh opened his eyes to see his older brother holding him as he landed on the floor "do you enjoy catching people or something?" Asked Josh as he left his brothers arms and sat on the grass "well if people stopped falling over so much I wouldn't feel the need to catch them so much" shot back George as he also sat down on the ground, with Tepig and James joining them, Tepig sitting next to his trainer while James climbed onto Georges back and onto his head "really?" Sighed the Chesnaught as the eevee slumped down on his head and refused to move. "So what's my prize for winning?" Asked George as he looked at the loser with a smug and stupid grin on his face, Josh looked down in defeat as he wondered what horrible and cruel task he'd be put through by his brother 'oh god am I gonna have to be his servant . . . . . or am I gonna have to obey JAMES for a week oh arceus anything but that' as he waited in fear for his fate, the shadow of his older brother rose over him as he stood to give his demands "as my prize you . . . . . . must . . . . by my command . . . . and by my bidding . . . . . ." as George pulled out every word he had complete control over his brother, he could see him shaking in his fur, as if he was forced into a freezer. Josh would probably died of shock if he let him worry for a minuet longer, "you . . . must . . . takeovermycleaningdutyforthewholeofthismonthandnextmonth" as he gave his demand he could see Josh collapse in relive as he learned of his fate "oh thank god" "wait you caught all of that" spoke Tepig in amazement "trust me he does this ALOT" sighed Josh as he too rose from the ground. As they both turned to leave the battlefield they froze in horror as they saw something truly horrifying in the window of their kitchen, the crimson, vine bulging, teeth grinding, deathly eyed look of their mother as she looked into the garden with a bunch of bags on the table. It turns out that they had gone behind her back to have this little brawl and she came home halfway through the fight to find them beating each other to oblivion. No one deserves to know what happened after they went inside, all you need to know was that they never fought in the garden, or anywhere near her ever again.

A sudden change, a Pokèmon transformation seriesWhere stories live. Discover now