Chapter 22 Can a boulder fly part 2

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After listening to the Helen moan on about how pokènoid's are dangerous, Mark was done with society for toady and asked David to change the channel, David followed his brothers orders almost instantly. " . . . . Hey . . . . Mark . ." David began but was quickly cut off by Mark "I'm gonna be in my room" he spoke distantly, like he wasn't really in the room even before he left. David moved from the sofa to try and talk to him but Mark barged past and bolted up the stairs, David could hear his door slam from the front room 'it's best to just leave him be, he'll come down when he's ready' David assured himself as he returned to the seat he left moments ago, the warmth of the had dropped just like the mood. David opened the same book for the billionth time and began reading again.

Mark laid himself out on his bed, head on a pillow eyes on the window and brain in the clouds 'I don't get it . . . they're basically us, they just look different there's no need to make an organisation about "keeping the balance" who dose she think she's fooling anyways . . . .' the older brother brought his gaze to the ceiling of his room as he flipped himself to face it. Mark's room was tidy but small, the bed took up nearly a quarter the room, the walls to his room were just plain pale blue, a few picture frames were plastered along the walls two on the left and one on the right. Two chalk white doors laid on the right wall next to the bed, a small desk and chair standing the other side of the twin doors, not to far from the desk was the exit door to the room. As Mark was laying face up on the bed he chose to put his current thought on Helen and the a.p.e aside and bring back a question he asked himself earlier 'which pokèmon . . . . . which one . . . . . there are so many though . . . . maybe something cool like a Lycanrock . . . or maybe a houndoom . . . . . . actually a Lycanrock sounds better' "yhea a Lycanrock sounds way better . . . . . . but wait which one, I mean to choose between just two, it's really difficult and I'm not sure how I'd pick if there was a third one . . . . ." Mark sighed as he looked outside, it was getting pretty dark now, the moon would soon rise up into the sky and chase the sun away into the un-seeable. "Lycanrock midnight form . . . . yhea I think that's a cool pokèmon, besides I like it's typings a lot as well . . ." Mark breathed a sigh of relief as he finally got that question out of his head he found himself feeling much better all of a sudden, not just feeling better but hungry as well it was then at that moment when he noticed the time, 6:53pm 'we've already been home for over 2 hours and I haven't had anything to eat?!? . . . . well that explains it, nothing a quick stop in the kitchen won't fix' Mark assured himself as he nearly leapt off his bed and almost bounced out his room.

"Oh . . . . back already?" David asked sarcastically, lifting his head from his precious book to watch Mark land on the floor and stroll into the lounge past him and into the kitchen in no time flat, '. . . rude . . .', Mark led himself into the kitchen opened the fridge and began hunting for anything easy and quick to make, "umm . . . . noodles, nah dad has those . . . . . . Pasta, no thank you . . . . Meatloaf, get it away from me now . . . . . . Microwave burger, now we're talking" Mark said as he tore open the packaging and placed the chilled burger onto a equally chilled plate and then into the microwave, 2 minuets and 30 seconds were set, and their off. Mark once again returned to the front room and nearly threw himself onto the chair next to the sofa David was on "so . . . can I ask you something?" Mark asked with curiosity David, being curious about the question himself (and with nothing better to do) gave the thumbs up for it and let his older brother continue "what pokèmon would you wanna be if you could change into one" Mark stared at his brother curiously, he watched him look down at the ground, then the window, then into the distance, then the window again, the window again . . . still the window . . . . all this time neither said a word, if the microwave wasn't on the place would be in silence. "Well to be honest . . . I don't really want to be a pokèmon, I like being human and I just don't think I want to change" "yhea but . . . . what if you had to . . .?" "Fine if I must . . . I'd be a flying type" David laid himself back on the sofa and huffed as he answered the question "I just like flying types a lot okay, that's it" and on that note, the microwave beeped alerting Mark to the completion of his food "well I'm gonna go eat, you've already eaten right?" "Yhea I ate one of those burgers after you went to your room, so I'm all good" "that's good, once I've eaten I'm gonna be back in my room again okay" the older one replied and informed the younger one as he left the room 'why dose he feel the need to ask such odd questions'.

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