Why This Exists

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Assalamu alaikum! I'm Evelyn and I converted to Islam a few months after I turned seventeen. I noticed upon conversion that converts are usually treated as an ignorant burden by the native Muslim community. When I ask about things such as the proper greetings, responses, how to pray, and what prayer ends fasting during Ramadan, I have found answers from native Muslims to be lacking. 

I've picked up on a few things and I'm sure I'll pick up on more, and so, to help you improve in your deen, I am here to impart my knowledge, as limited as it is, to young Muslims such as myself. The great thing about this is, as long as I'm learning, I'll write here. If this gets any attention and you guys have any questions, I will go and try to figure things out. I want as many of us to get into Jannah as possible, so anything you're looking to know, go ahead and ask.

Also, if in one of my chapters I mess up on a detail or I get something wrong and you are more knowledgeable than I am, please let me know so I can add more in here. Insha'allah this will help my new brothers and sisters find their way. Alhamdulillah.

About me, I am currently seventeen, so I really am incredibly new. I was brought up in an agnostic household, both of my parents are agnostic with Christian leanings, but I was never made to pray or attend church or really learn anything I didn't show a specific interest in learning about religion. I lived this way until I first heard the word atheist at age 13.

You know those classic atheist stereotypes? That was me. Rude, snotty, know-it-all, and obnoxious, I had to tell everyone that God doesn't exist until I was about 15. After that, I matured and chilled out, but I still considered myself an atheist.

When I was 16, I was at an extremely low point in my life. I was in an abusive relationship and was on the verge of suicide. May 28th, 2016 was my decided death date. May 25th, 2016, after ending my relationship, I met a guy, who was in so many ways, a godsend. He showed me love, peace, kindness, and he brought me closer to Allah (swt).

I informed him that I was an atheist, and he shrugged it off because he was one too at one point. He was also raised Christian (though way more so than I did) and his religious and cultural similarity to me made me wonder why he converted to, of all religions, Islam. Through discourse and debate, I came to realize that Islam is true. My life has drastically improved since converting, and it has brought me a lot of peace, knowing that I will live on after I die. 

Insha'allah this work may even lead others to the deen, and any people of other religions who happen to be interested and read this, if you have questions for me, I will be more than happy to answer them as best I can. Thank you for reading. 

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