A Family I Never Knew I Had *4*

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Heyyy x I promised a longer chapter so Yayyyy!! (-:

I won't be able to update for a while because I have a TON of hw to do :'(

Please VOTE and COMMENT if you want me to keep going ;-)

Recap: As we went through the towns near the airport, trying to get to my destination, I snapped a few pictures of the buildings, sea and - thank god!!! - Beaches! After 15 minute I was really tired. I know that it was only about quarter to ten to me but I was exhausted. The soft sound of the taxi made me finally drift off. I dreamt of my family. What they would be like, the thing we would do. And mainly - would they-could they-like me?

Chapter 4-----Jacobs P.O.V

We all sat there in the cream living room on the sofas, watching the clock, trying to guess her arrival. The room was silent apart from the tick-tocking of the living room clock. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out, looked at the contact and sighed and I flipped it open.

'Hello?' my voice must have been bleak and annoyed because everyone gave me questioning looks. I shook my head at them a voice on the other end spoke in an 'I'm-trying-to-get-you-to-sleep-with-me' voice,

'Hey babe, I was wondering if you wanted to come around later. Just. The. Two. Of. Us.' EW! I really didn't want to think about that right now. I mentally gagged.

'Gemma, listen, I'm sorry but I can't, Alex is due here any minute now. I'll see you at school on Monday okay?' I didn't wait to hear her reply. I hung up and switched off my phone so that she couldn't call me again.

Me and Gemma only went out because people thought that we were good together. She was the head of the cheerleading squad and a total plastic bitch. She treated my friends that weren't popular like scum and flirted with the ones who were popular. And all she wanted out of me was attention and sex... no. Not gunna happen with her.

My family and friends all knew that I hated going out with her but there was no one else that I was interested in so what the heck?

At that moment, Megan - my adoptive sister - can running down the stairs, joined us on the sofa and shouted at me'

'You REALLY need to dump her!!!' Megan had deep red hair and green eyes with gray flecks in them. She was Alex's age and a junior. All the guys would have been hitting on her if she had any idea how to show off her figure or wear makeup. Of course I backed her up whenever someone said anything bad about her. She was like a real sister. The reason that my parents adopted her was because I was really lonely. I was about 5 and my parents were still looking for Alex. Megan knew all along that ale would soon be found and she never minded. She would always be me sister in one way or another.

All the guys were constantly saying that they wanted Alex to be hot and single. I almost didn't. I knew what would happen if he was and I really didn't want to think about my sister and anyone doing.... anything visual *shudder*. But it wasn't only for that reason. I was scared that they were either going to make her not want to come again or make it so they get all the attention and I can hardly speak to her while she is here. James would do anything to get a hot girl and it was him who worried me the most. James and me had only just become friend two years ago (when we were sophomores - we are seniors now) when we became friends with matt and tom. Me and Sam have been friends since kindergarten and were joined by Tom in 3rd grade with his best friend-Matt. We all thought matt was a little weird because he kept pacing out but he was still really cool. Then James joined out group and there has always been a little bit of tension. Sam has never liked how James plays girls. He is old fashioned and thinks that girls should be treated with respect. So it's no wonder all the girls are queuing for him - which makes James seriously pissed off at Sam for getting 'all his girls' but they have never done anything to serious and thing have been getting better now - which is why I was confused when Sam seemed upset at James wanting Alex to be hot maybe he just didn't want her to be hurt - like me. But whatever the reason was, he better not show it around James or a fight will start. A really bad one!

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