Part: 4

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Tessa's pov:
When I came home from lunch with Anthony I was so happy. I knocked on Erikas door so I could tell her everything. She opened it.

Erika- hey T how was your little date.
Tessa- omg it was great, he told me he liked me a lot and I told him I liked him too.
Erika- get it girl. When do you think he's going to ask you out.
Tessa- I'm not for sure.
Erika- ok well I'm going to Starbucks with nick do you wanna come.
Tessa- no i kinda wanna take a shower and just chill the rest of the day.
Erika- ok we'll see ya later.
Tessa- ok bye.

When Erika left I went in my room, took a shower, and let it dry on its own. I put comfy clothes on and decided to see what everyone else was doing. I walked downstairs and the Martinez twins were on the couch and Jake was outside vlogging. I really wanted to know where Anthony was so I texted him.

Tessa- hey, where are you?
Anthony💗- I'm upstairs playing video games.
Tessa- can I come up there?
Anthony💗- yeah that's fine.
Tessa-alright I'm on my way up☺️

I walked upstairs and went into Anthony and chances room. Chance wasn't in there just Anthony. I sat down next to Anthony.

Anthony- hey.
Tessa hey.
Anthony- today was fun.

Anthony turned off the game and looked at me.

Anthony- i truly do like you and I would ask you out but what about Jake would he be mad after what happened with him and Alissa.
Tessa- idk and you really would?
Anthony- yes.
Tessa- ok well it'll be a maybe now if things can work out I'll talk to Jake.
Anthony- ok hopefully he will be cool about it.
Tessa- yeah.

I left the room and went downstairs to see if Jake was down there. He was inside sitting on the kitchen counter on his phone.

Tessa- hey Jake can we go on a walk I want to talk to you.
Jake- yeah sure is everything ok.
Tessa- yeah I just want to talk.
Jake- ok let's go.

We walked outside and I started talking.

Tessa- ok, ever since Chance and Anthony came I've liked Anthony and he's liked me. We really want to be together and we don't know if you'd want us to since what happened with you and Alissa.
Jake- don't say her name first off, and second off I don't care I can't stop you guys but if you guys don't work out and then can't stand to be in each other's company then one of you are gonna have to choose to leave.
Tessa- so you're ok with it.
Jake- yes, that's fine.
Tessa- omg Jake thank you, and can you not tell anyone yet because we haven't really made it official.
Jake- yeah I got you.

Me and Jake talked the rest of the way home. When we got back to the house I ran upstairs into Anthony's room. Luckily Chance wasn't in there.

Tessa- Jake said it was fine.

Anthony smiled and so did i. He hugged me and I hugged back.

Anthony- so it's official.
Tessa- yes.

We both smiled and hugged again.

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