Sixty eight

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Cindy's POV

I pulled up to the restaurant and got out of my car and saw jack sitting down at a table already, using his phone.

I walked over to the table and sat down.

He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Hey, can I get a hug?" He asked.

"Umm, sure..." I said more of a question.

He got up and I got up then we hugged.

I tried pulling away but he wouldn't budge.

So I just kept hugging him.

"Sorry, I just missed hugging you." He nervously chuckled as I smiled and we both sat down.

"So, how have you been?" He asked.

"Umm, pretty good I guess, I'm back in LA, I'm going to Spain in a couple days with Elizabeth Rioux for the big dolce and gabana fashion show that a lot of models are gonna be in, then I'll be back in Los Angeles but then I'm gonna have to go to Ibiza for another shoot with Alexis Ren and Twan and a lot more things going on but yea, that's the recent me." I explained, putting on my sunglasses.

We were sitting at the outdoor part of the restaurant.

"That's cool, and pretty hectic!" He nodded, smiling and looking at me.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Umm, still doing these pop up concert things that you like, and you know, more music coming out soon." He nodded.

"You know, I've actually been listening to Gone, and I jam to it while taking a shower, and that's like my travel playlist." I smiled and he gasped and laughed.

"That's, the best thing I've probably heard in a while. You actually listen to our music. I'm so happy. What's your favorite song?" He asked.

"Umm, probably last thing and distraction, and I've been recently replaying 2 cigarettes just cuz you go so high pitched on that party where you say 'it gets better now' and it makes me smile" I said and he laughed.

Our food came and we start to eat.

"So we came here for a reason." I started and he nodded.

"Yea we did." He nods.

"So you still like me." I smiled.

"Yea I do." He said.

"What about Madison?"

"I don't know, I still like you a lot. You're just so fucking amazing and I can't stand seeing you with someone else."

"Neels and I are really close, and we've dated before but we're just really close friends and he talks to other girls, but we're just like super super close, that's why it looks like we're dating, but we're actually not." I explained.

"Wait wait wait, you and Neels aren't dating?" He asked.

"We were, but not anymore." I nodded.

He raised his eyebrows.

I nodded.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry, in person." He looked at me.


"Cheating on you with Madison."

"Jack, if you wanted to be with Madison all this time, you could have just told me that. Trust me, that alone would have been way better than me having to find out that you were cheating."

"Yea, there's so many things I could have done that I didn't do, and I'm truly sorry."

"I guess it's fine..."

"So we're friends now?"


"So I can FaceTime you and take pictures of you and hug you all the time now?" He asked as his grin grew wider.

"Jack calm your tits." I said and we both burst out laughing.

"Here's your bill." The waitress said as she placed it on the table and smiled before leaving.

He paid and we sat there.

"So you going to Vegas with us for the EDC's?" He asked.

"Umm duh! Another vacation with the fam! And DJ Rupp is performing and you know I'm never gonna miss that." I chuckled.

"I can't wait." He smiled.

He got out his phone and started taking pictures and snapchats of me.

"Jaaaack." I smiled. "You always do that when we go out or when I'm with you."

"Cuz I like looking at you, any problem in that?"

"Jack, you have a girlfriend." I laughed.


"Woooowww, so you're saying you didn't mean it when you posted that 'glad to be back' picture with Madison?" I smiled, tilting my head to the side.

"I did at the time, cuz I was angry with you and you were angry with me, but things have changed now" he explained.

"Nice to know." I said as we both got up.

"You're still hot as always" he smiled.

"You think I don't know that already jack?" I smirked.

"Bitchy much?"

"Frankly, I am."

"See you later."

"See ya, and you need to shave." I laughed and he laughed and got into his car as I got into mine.

I got back to my apartment as Claudia called me.

"Yea?" I answered.

"I need help packing for Vegas, can you come over and help me?" She asked.

"I haven't even packed yet." I chuckled.

"We could FaceTime for something, and, you could tell me all the shit that went down ."

"Alright." I smiled and hung up the phone before face timing her.


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