Chapter 8 Separated

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"Well, Emma won't mind if I just borrow the bug," she says, she tucks her dark hair up in a cute ponytail, and slips a hanger into the door, unlocking it. She places the carseat of the newborn in the backseat, and starts driving. Thoughts of her life are playing over and over in her mind, wondering how she came to this world, who her parents were, what happened to them. She's only had one true friend, who's been with her since the beginning, who's she's been hiding from for 10 months now, she ran away from their shared apartment. 

Emma called her over and over, leaving messages, and notes on her door, she even broke into the apartment to see if she was there. Every message was similar. 

"Molly you have to talk to me." 

"Molly pick up"

"Molly if you're in some kind of trouble, I'm here for you, just like always."

With time through the 10 months, Emma's messages got more desperate, "Molly you can't hide from me, I will find you... I will always find you..." 

The dark haired girl, 18 years old, heads off, she's stolen Emma's yellow bug, and starts driving. She gets out her map, as she crosses over the Boston bridge. "Ok, let's see," She closes her eyes, and puts her finger on the map, "Tallahassee? I don't think so, let's try that again," She says. Repeating her movement, "Maine, Hmmm... that looks good and it's closer," she says. 

In the backseat, is an infant, only two weeks old, wrapped in a blanket. "I'm sorry, ok?" she says. "I know you don't understand," she sighs to herself, keeping her eyes on the road. Her cell phone rings again, Emma. "Emma," she answers this time, "Molly! Are you ok!!?? Please tell me you're ok!" Emma says desperately, "I'm ok, I'll umm be back later ok?" Molly asks, "Yes, where are you now?" Emma asks, "I'm ummm.. Driving.." Molly says. "You don't have a car," Emma said. "You do... bye..." Molly hangs up. 

Molly keeps driving, "I'm sorry, I just can't be a mother kid, I'll leave you some place safe, let's hope they have this safe haven law in Maine," Molly says. The infant coos softly in the back, and after 5 hours Molly sees a town sign, "Hmm.. Storybrooke, Curious name," she says driving into it. 

When she does, the clock, moves for half a second. Molly drives through the small town, it's very quiet. She spots a Sheriff station, with a light on. "Ok, someone is in there," Molly gets the carseat out of the backseat. She places a note on the baby, "Please take care of my Mia..." it reads. "Mia suits you, it means wished for Child, just like my name... funny my parents didn't keep my if I was wished for.." Molly sighs, "Maybe you'll have parents that have wished for someone like you too," Molly says looking at the tiny infant. 

She spots someone inside the station, he's blonde and bright eyed, with a sheriff badge. Molly takes a deep breath, and puts the baby seat down, she bangs on the door, and rushes off to the car. She looks on, hiding behind her car, as the door opens. 

"Well, Hi there," David leans down, "Where did you come from beautiful?" He asks, picking up the infant. He looks at the note, "Mia..." he says. He briefly looks around. The car Molly is hiding behind is darkened, David takes the infant inside the station. 

Molly sighs once more, before she gets back into the bug. She looks into the station, and sees the man holding the baby quite sweetly in his arm. She knows it's the right thing, "It's your best chance Mia.." Molly says and starts up the car, and drives off. 

Driving out of the small town, the time halts once again. 

Molly gets herself back to Boston, and as she gets up to her apartment floor, she opens the door, and is greeted, "Hi," Emma says. "Uhh, Emma, Hi," Molly says. "What the hell is going on? Where have you been?" Emma asks. "Ok calm down, ok?" Molly asks, "And you took my car didn't you?" Emma asks, "Well, I mean you know that, I just needed a long drive to think," Molly says. "You've been gone 10 months!" Emma snaps. 

"Molly, we've been close our whole lives, you can't just disappear like that for almost a year," Emma says. Molly gets a juice, and stares at her, "I know, I just...needed to find myself." Molly shrugs. "What?" Emma asks, "I.... don't know, I've been just feel so separate, like lost," Molly says. She walks to where her room is, and heads inside. 

"You just ran off, I had no idea if you were ok," Emma said. "I texted you, it's not like I was dead, or in some other world," Molly shrugs. "Molly... what happened? Last time I saw you, you were talking about some guy..." Emma said. "Well, that's over," Molly sighs. "Ok..." Emma sighs. "Listen, I want to talk more, but I'm just so glad you're home," Emma says. 

"Emma..." Molly stops her, "I'm sorry," she says. Emma smiles softly, "It's ok, at least you texted me and I knew you were breathing, I could sense your attitude," Emma said with a smirk, "Is that part of your superpower? "Molly asks, "Sort of, you know I have a sixth sense with you, and I can tell, maybe you should trust me more," Emma said. "What? of course I trust you Emma.." Molly says. "Then you should have come to me, not just run off, and hide for all this time." Emma said. 

"I was ashamed," Molly said. "Well, you don't ever have to be ashamed with me," Emma said. "Where did we really come from? Don't you know?" Molly asks. "What do you mean?" Emma asks, "You couldn't possibly have the name Swan out of nowhere," Molly said. "Oh Molly," Emma scoffs, "I named that to myself," Emma said. "Ok, and you said we aren't sisters, so what are we?" Molly asks. "We're just, together in this ok?" Emma asks. "Why do I feel like you've been hiding something?" Molly asks, "Well now we're even," Emma teases. 

A/N-- Next we see where that curse is with everyone in Storybrooke

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