Chapter 10 Mia

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A/N-- Yes Mia is above, note the matching blue eyes and similar lips to adult Molly. 

Mia Nolan didn't change her love or thoughts regarding her parents, David and Mary Margaret had loved her so much since she arrived only a week old, it didn't change anything, as David expected. Mia, did, however, wish to know about her birth mother and what happened to her. David and Mary Margaret had explained to her that likely her birth mother wasn't able to take care of her, and wanted her to be safe. 

Molly's name, when Killian and Regina chose it, was named after it's meaning, it was exactly the same meaning as Mia's, "Wished for Child." Coincidentally, it also meant "Star of the Sea." Molly knew this, and in turn wanted to name Mia the same, and hoped that she would be taken care of by a family that wished for her. 

Mia had always been strangely drawn to Killian and Regina, Killian had been close to David, before the curse, and Cora's addition to it, didn't change the closeness between Snow and Regina and David and Killian. Mia of course likely sensed that Regina and Killian were perhaps something related to her, but of course none could place it. 

Mia had been starting to get really into the book that Mary Margaret had found in the closet. She had never seen it before, nor had David. She was over at Regina's office, and flipping through the book. "Oh! Mia," Regina smiles, surprised to see the child, "How did you get in here?" Regina asks, "I... may have picked the lock," Mia squints, "I see, that's pretty sneaky, don't you think?" Regina asks, "Are you mad?" Mia asks, "No of course not, I see you had an apple already?" Regina smiles. 

"I like them, I don't know why," Mia shakes her head cutely. "My mommy found this book, and I think some of the people look like you in it," Mia said. "Oh?" Regina asks, "Yes, this girl, riding a horse, looks like you," Mia said. Regina looks over it, and onto the page, and the young girl on the horse, is definitely Regina. "Hmm, it looks... similar to me, dark hair and everything," Regina says. 

"Good day Mayor," Killian enters the office, "Greetings young Lass," He winks at Mia, who grins at him. "You look a little stressed," Regina notices, "Run in with Mr. Gold, not my favorite," He says. "He wanted Rent?" Regina asks, "Aye, cold hearted old bloke he is sometimes, like there's a darkness in his heart," Killian said. 

"How come you don't have any kids?" Mia blurts out to them both, "Umm as in us? Together?" Killian asks the child, "Well, just why?" Mia repeats, "Well, we aren't married," Regina says. Regina blushes slightly as Killian smirks at her, "Not yet, because she keeps avoiding me," Killian says playfully, "What? I don't avoid you, you work nights," Regina scoffs, "And? We can't have a hamburger in the middle of the day or something?" He asks. 

"Ummm, well true good point, but I prefer salad," Regina said. "Keep your figure hmm?" He playfully nibbles his lip. "Ummm," Mia interrupts cutely, they both look quickly down at the little one in front of them, she smiles, "Right, child," Killian smiles. "Ok ok, fine lunch, tomorrow," Regina says. "Great, about bloody time," he smirks, and heads off, gently pinching Mia's cheek as he leaves. 

"Do you like him?" Mia asks, "I ... like him, yes," Regina nods. "You kissed him didn't you?" Mia asks, "Well, a little," Regina says, "What else is in that book?" Regina changes the subject, to avoid her butterflies about Killian. 

"Lots of things... Regina? Do you believe in Magic?" Mia asks. 

In Boston 

"Here," Emma hands Molly a bag, and a coffee cup, on a lunch break, Molly worked at a publishing company, right next to where Emma was a bail bonds person. "Where's my bear claw?" Molly whined, "It's in there," Emma rolls her eyes. The pair are almost 25 and 30 now. Emma takes out a piece of paper from her pocket. She smiles, seeing Snow's handwriting. 

"I was thinking a road trip, for your 25th," Emma said. "Oh yeah? Where?" Molly asks, "Maine," Emma smiles. "Maine? Why there?" Molly asks, "I don't know, I hear it's beautiful in the fall," Emma said. "We're going to be peepers, driving slow looking at leaves?" Molly scoffs, "Well they have the ocean there, you know you love the sea," Emma says. "We have the ocean here too," Molly says. 

"Come on, it will be fun, little get away, road trip," Emma said. Molly sighs, "Fine, if it will make you happy," Molly agrees. "Good," Emma hops off the desk, "See you later, we leave tomorrow," Emma says. "That soon?" Molly asks, "It's October 1st, that's your birthday," Emma smiles. 

Molly sighs to herself, Maine, the place she left her baby girl 7 years ago. They couldn't possibly be going to the same place, but still, the idea of it made her heart pound against her chest. She regretted it, and hoped that the man she saw in the window, the Sheriff would have taken care of her, or found someone who would. 

Molly begrudgingly gets into Emma's bug, "here," Emma hands her candy, "Well at least there's that," Molly sighs. "Oh come on, it will be great, leaves, fall, pumpkins," Emma smiles, Molly shakes her head and rolls her eyes, and pops a red twirler candy in her mouth. 

Back in Storybrooke

Killian pops a red twirler candy in his mouth, and smiles down at Mia, handing her one too, "hey what about Dinner?" David asked, "Killian gave it to me," Mia smirks, "Come on let the little one have fun," Killian defends, David shakes his head. 

Regina enters, "Hi," Killian smiles. "You're eating candy before lunch?" Regina asks, "Yeah why not?" Killian defends, "Someday you have to grow up you know," Regina says, "Mmm, I'm plenty grown up, you just don't know it yet," Killian smirks. 

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