Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Where are we going?" I wondered out loud. Ahead of me was Kale, leading me out of my backyard and down the road.

"You'll see." He winked at me.

I trusted him and followed. We soon came upon our favorite spot to go when we had just received our allowance. The Ice Cream Parlor.

"Why are we here?"

"Don't worry so much, S." We entered the tiny shop, automatically grateful for the coldness inside the shop, for it was already getting hot in April.

The cashier greeted us and automatically rang up our usuals. Two mint chocolate chip waffle cones.

"Yum!" I said as he handed me mine.

We sat at the old school bar that was set up against one of the walls.

About half way through our ice cream, I noticed Kale was staring at me.

"Kale, is there something wrong?"

"Well, actually there is......." He took a deep breath. His pause scared me and I started thinking of worse case scenarios in my mind. What if he decided, after 14 years of friendship, that he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if he never was my friend, only pretended to be?

"I'm moving...... Tomorrow."

Wait, what?

I stared blankly at him. My mind couldn't comprehend what he just said. No. It can't be possible.

"S? Please say something? You're scaring me." He had a worried look on his face.

I couldn't find my voice. What can I say? I can't tell him he can't, he's leaving tomorrow.

Finally I said "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

He looked uncomfortable. "I couldn't find the right time to. Something always came up."

"Why are you moving?" I asked, looking at my hands.

"S," he said, lifting my chin so I was looking into his emerald green eyes. "I love to see your beautiful face, please look at me. I'm moving because my parents are taking on a house that needs a make over really badly. Your parents decided not to take this one, leaving you here because of school reasons." He explained, answering my next question.

"But it'd be so much better for the both of us if either you stayed here with me and my family, or my family moved there so at least you wouldn't have to face a new school alone!" I cried.

He shushed me, looking around the shop. Several people glanced over, hearing me scream, but most already knew us, so went back to their ice cream.

"S, let's spend my last night together, let's go to our tree house and stay the night there. I'll even let you pick the movie."

"Okay." I obliged.

We made our way back home. Our homes were right next to each other. Our parents had been friends since collage and decided to start a business together selling and buying homes that needed renovations. So of course their only son and daughter became best friends automatically.

The tree house was technically in my yard, but we made a secret ladder that leaders up to the tree house (but only Kale and I are the only ones that know about it so don't tell anyone!). The treehouse was pretty big. I held a regular size fridge, microwave, a futon, a flat screen and PS3 plus a closet for coats, blankets, and pillows. Plus it had air conditioning. Yeah, it was a pretty rad treehouse.

I sent Kale to fix the bed while I picked our movie. I had plenty to choose from, we had two big shelfs of movies. I finally settled for my favorite movie of all time: Hercules. I know, childish, but I loved the romance in it. Plus I was a sucker for happy endings. I put the movie in the PS3, grabbed a remote, and set on the newly made bed next to Kale. I snuggled under the blanket and started singing along with the first song. Kale laughed, put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

That is how I fell into a blissful sleep.

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