Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"Honey, wake up or you'll be late to school!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

I stretched and checked my phone.

One new message.

I opened the message to see that it was from Aaron. I smiled.

Morning beautiful.

I closed out of it, not bothering to reply and picked out a decent outfit to look "socially acceptable." Once I finished my morning routine, I headed downstairs to grab a quick breakfast.

"Do you have my plans tonight?" My mom asked as I entered the kitchen.

I thought for a minute. "No, I don't think so, why?"

"We have some old friends coming over tonight, and I wanted you to be here."

"Oh, okay. I will." And with that I headed out the front door where I knew Aaron would be waiting for me in his car. I climbed in the passenger seat, greeted my a stunning set of blue eyes. "Morning babe." I smiled, putting my hand on his cheek.

"Good morning to you, too." He kissed me. "So, are we still on for tonight?" He asked, back out of the driveway.

My mouth went into an "O" like shape.

He laughed at my silliness. "Sage-"

"I know! I'm such a horrible girlfriend!" I exclaimed, cutting him off. "I completely forgot about tonight. I feel so bad!"


"It's just I was really tired this morning-"


"And my mom asked if I had anything going on and-" suddenly I was cut off by him stopping at the red light right by our school and him crushing his lips onto mine.

We finally separated because the light had turned green and several cars behind us started honking. We turned into the school parking lot. Ugh. School. The one word that can ruin anyone's day.

Aaron got out and made his way over to my side of the car to let me out. We walked hand in hand into the school. I remember the first day we had begun dating and we held hands. I got so many deathly stares.

"S?" I inhaled sharply. "Shit, sorry, I meant Sage." Too late now. The memories that I had shoved in a closet in the back of my brain and locked the door exploded into my mind all at once. Kale. Tears automatically started streaming down my face. I removed my hand from Aaron's and shoved my way through the crowd, towards the bathroom.

Once I was in the bathroom, I broke down sobbing, not even bothering to check if all the stalls were clear, I dialed his number.

I counted the rings. Five..... Six...... Seven...... Eight......

"Hello?" I heard his voice say.

"Kale? You don't know how happy I am that-"

"Hello?" He said again.


"Ha I got you! You've reached my voicemail! Leave a message at the beep!" I rolled my eyes. Same old Kale.

The phone beeped. "Kale, I know you haven't heard from me in a while, but it's getting bad again. I need you. The dreams are here every night now. You promised you'd be back in a year. Guess what? It's been a year and you're still not here. I need you. Please come back. I love you, pinky promise. Bye." I shuttered as I hung up.

I leaned on the wall across from the sink and sank to the ground. Crossing my arms and putting them on my knees, I laid my head on them and cried.

I hadn't lied to him. The dreams did occur almost every night. I refused to call him every time though. I didn't want to bother him. He had his own life now.

Deciding I wasn't going to sit there and cry anymore, I shoved myself off the ground and exited the bathroom, not caring about how I look.

I was making my way to my first period, which I was late to, when I heard someone call my name.

"Sage!" I turned around to see Kaitlin running down the hallway trying to catch up with me. Kaitlin was one of the girls Aaron had introduced to me, and has now become one of my friends. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere! Aaron told me that you ran away from him crying. Is it because of Kale?"

I nodded, not able to talk yet. She engulfed me into a hug.

"It's okay, he'll be back soon, I promise. Are you going to make it through the day?" I nodded once again. "Okay, I'm going to my class now, but I just had to make sure you were okay." I smiled at her and she walked off in the opposite direction.

I was left alone again.

I slowly made my way to my first period. I hate Algebra II with a burning passion.

Finally, I was standing outside my class. I had to go in.

I opened the door and twenty-five pairs of eyes drifted over to me.

"That's a Wednesday detention for you Ms. Sanders." Mrs. Blackwell said, not even turning around to face me.

Today was going to be a horrible day.

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