EXTRA: Finally, A Real Date

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I do recommend listening to the song for this one. It's one of the songs on my Spotify playlist during my own trip to Barcelona. Much love <3

When Yakov gives you one more day to explore a city before heading back to Saint Petersburg, you don't question it. It rarely ever happens.

It was only right before the banquet when the Russian skaters found out that, just like Viktor and Yuuri, they also had one more free day in Barcelona. Apparently, there was a mix-up when Yakov booked the round-trip tickets. Lilia was displeased at the idea of spending another day not doing anything productive, but Yuri was pleased.

After all, he needed to make up for that awkward "date" he and Ayumi had two years before.

He was nervous when he asked her to go out with him the next day, but he was glad when she immediately said yes. She told him she was going be occupied in the city for another week before flying to Russia, so she really wanted to take a quick break from working and figure skating.

He spent the night thinking about what they should do together. He really didn't know much about Barcelona, and Googling seemed like too much of a hassle. Yuri decided to keep the date unplanned. After all, like their relationship, things were great when they were unexpected.

Yuri smiled as he fell asleep, excited for their first real date.


It was just after 1pm, and the two teenage lovebirds were strolling along the stretch of La Rambla, their hands entwined. They already visited the La Sagrada Familia, Casa Milà and Casa Batlló that morning, and were just casually admiring the vibrancy of the pedestrian mall.

Yuri caressed her hand as they stopped to watch a couple of street performers. There was nothing but pure fascination on her face. He smiled. Despite her family's wealth, Ayumi wasn't the type to demand for fancy restaurants, expensive dinners or extravagant flowers. She prefers to just go out and see the world for what it is. She likes going on picnics, eating homemade food, and just enjoying what a place had to offer. She was simple and easy to get along with.

They somehow found themselves at Café Viena, a small eatery in La Rambla known for its cheap yet delicious food. They ordered its popular ham sandwich and a couple of drinks. The sandwich was big enough for two, so they decided to share.

"This is so good!" he sputtered as he took a big bite, savoring the taste of the ham.

Ayumi smiled. "I know. But wouldn't Madam Lilia kill you for eating that much? You already had quite a lot of churros a while ago."

"Who cares about that old hag? She's so prickly because she doesn't eat! And besides, I won gold! I deserve this."

She raised an eyebrow. "Did you really deserve to eat a second order of sandwich, Yura?"

He narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend and took another bite to prove a point. She just laughed and took a sip of her Café con Leche, admiring the view out the window.

Yuri looked at Ayumi fondly. Her face was so peaceful, and the sunlight peering through the window made her look naturally stunning. He pulled out his phone, took a photo, and quickly posted on Instagram.

@yuri-plisetsky She's mine. @a.matsumoto


Ayumi was smiling as she and Yuri scanned the stalls at the Fira de Santa Llúcia Christmas market. The air was getting a bit chilly, so she wrapped her navy-blue pea coat closer to her body. She didn't have to worry that much about her hands—Yuri's hand was already a reliable source of warmth.

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