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If you're interested in translating this, please follow these steps:

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Contact me through this account
and wait for my confirmation.
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If I've confirmed it, we should
follow each other.
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Do your role then tell me if
you've published it and I'll add it
to my reading list. Don't forget to
credit me.

There are rules that must be followed, though - it's not much of a burden.

It's not allowed to repeat a certain language if its status is complete. If there's a possibility wherein there are two ongoing translation of a certain language and one has completed it first, the other can complete it too. So, you should message me immediately while the slot is still empty or ongoing!

If you are to discontinue or delete the translated version, please don't be shy to remind me so I can mark the language slot empty and delete it in this chapter (because if it's added here, it's used as a reference). However, it is strictly avoided to do it. Therefore, if you are to translate this book, you should be sure.

Sadly, I can't provide the book covers caused by my busy schedule so you should be the ones to make it. You can ask me for some tips though and I'm glad to help.

Lastly, you should be fluent to the slot you've filled in with so don't use Google Translate in translating this.

Any other questions, suggestions and etc. can be sent to me and I'll try to answer immediately. Only relevant ones are allowed.


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