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Pipers POV

The addicting, long-forgotten smell of pancakes wafted down the corridor into my bedroom as I sat upon the cushy, moss bed, reminiscing.

I peeked up, the scent filling my nose and attracting my attention.

I jerked my head towards the door, before springing off of my bed onto the carpet and sprinting through the tree-house.

I reached the kitchen after about 30 seconds of full-on sprinting.

Mae whistled quietly to herself as she expertly flipped a large pancake.

I looked at her in awe and she noticed me with a small chuckle.

"Want one?"

She asked me.

I nodded with full enthusiasm.

I hadn't had pancakes for at least 4 years and just the smell had me drooling.

She masterfully transferred the steaming pancake from the pan to a waiting, China plate.

She plopped it on there and turned to me.

"Whaddaya want on it?" She called.

I pondered for a moment, trying to remember what I used to have.

"Oh!" I called back, "Chocolate spread, lemon and sugar."

I heard silence and then a quiet giggle.

"Your wish is my command" she said jokingly in a pretend zombie-like voice.

I laughed back and wandered over to the cozy room (living room).

A tall bookshelf stood to attention in the corner, begging me to pick a book.

I plodded over to it, my bare feet brushing the soft, moss carpet that layered upon the wooden floor.

Skirting around a grand coffee table that was in the centre of the room, I reached the bookshelf.

Excitement filled my body as I looked over the famous titles, some I knew, some I didn't.

There was a whole row especially for Fairy Tales, including my favorites, Jack and The Beanstalk and The Three Billy-Goats Gruff.

"Piper! Pancakes!"

My eyes lit up even more and I sprinted back into the kitchen.

Mae held in one hand a pan with another frying pancake in it and in the other, my delicious-looking pancake.

I tore the plate from her hands in a flurry of 'thank you!'s and plopped down upon a dining room chair, beginning to devour the luxurious platter that awaited my groaning stomach.

I savored each bite, letting the contrasting sweet chocolate and sour lemon envelope my tonsils.

"Mm- Mwa.... Dis ish derichus Mwae!" I tried to speak, my mouth full of mashed up pancake.

I turned round to see a furious red blush drown her usually-dark cheeks.

I snorted in the least polite way I could, and Mae met my eyes for a second before we fell into fits of laughter.

I clutched my sides as we began to calm down, my heart beat slowing to a more normal pace.

After a few minutes, Mae joined me at the table, various topping such as marshmallows, jelly beans and lots and lots of sprinkles.

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