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The sheer light from the torch that the girl held illuminated our stoned path.

Every so often I would hear a small shout of pain as the girl stood on a rock with her small, dirty feet.

I watched her back retreat, sometimes turning and calling to me.

I ran up to where she walked, a bit ahead of me, no sharp stones pierced my feet and I became startled when I looked down to see soil, moving by its self, creating a smooth, soft path for me.

Using my mind, I clenched my fists and tried to expand the path.

Soon enough a soft gasp came from my right, where the girl was, and I turned to see her looking down at the floor in awe.

She stepped forward and the smooth soil followed her foot.

Her chocolate-brown eyes widened and her mouth formed a slight 'o' in shock.

I chuckled at her surprise and her head whipped round to me.

She looked at my feet and saw the path too.

"I-I... A-Am I doing magic?" She almost shouted.

"Well you see, little gi-" I began.

"Mae." She smiled crookedly.

The corners of her eyes crinkled and a chuckle left her mouth.

"I'm Piper... Piper Sparrow" I replied, "I'm sixteen, how old are you?" I added

"7" was Mae's simple reply.

I smiled back at her.

She was adorable.

A girl of few words.
We had been walking for hours, my feet ached, I was mentally and physically exhausted from spreading the path.

A small, feeble squeak from my neck reminded me of Rockie.

I picked him up gently and set him on my hands.

He was basically a stone dog.

With a wagging tail, four small little legs and two round eyes he gazed round at the tunnel in wonder.

"Wow! What is that?" Mae questioned, shining her feeble torch light onto his black, pebble-like appearance.

The torchlight reflected off of his smooth, dark body onto the cave walls around us.

"Him?" I asked pointing to Rockie.

I only received a small, quick nod in return.
"This is Rockie, my best friend." I smiled down at my little companion sitting in the cold palm of my hand.

"I'm hungry" I complained.

"Deal with it, I do" replied Mae immediately.

I was shocked.

A little girl of seven couldn't possibly have come up with that, she was parroting someone else.

But who?

"Where did you hear that?" I pried.

Her dark eyes swiveled right and left and she placed her small, pink tongue between her top teeth and her bottom teeth.

"How much longer?" I asked again, watching carefully for her reaction.

I had an idea.

"SHUT UP!!!" She shouted at me.

I raised one hand above her head.

No, I would never really hit such a sweet, adorable child.

I was testing something.

She cried out and was ready to receive a blow even before she protected her face with her hand.

She flinched instinctively.

A practiced move.

My heart broke as I realized someone was hurting this sweet girl.

I lowered my hand slowly and careful, so as not to scare the already terrified girl.

"Mae" I said her name softly.

She didn't look up at me but stayed in her defensive position.

A small splatter on the earthy floor told me that she was crying.

"Mae, I'm not going to hurt you" I told her softly, trying to keep my voice even.

She looked up at me with those huge, dark, watery eyes as another rebel tear rolled down her dirty cheek.

"P-promise?" She whispered.

I looked at her with a small, sympathetic smile.

"I promise"
Oh Em Geeeeee!!!!
No? Okay then.


This was more of a filler chapter as I have a HUGE few chapters planned!!!!!

I'm posting a new book called 'War of the Wolves' which will be going up on Wednesday.


Okay so I really hope you enjoyed and THANK YOU TO THE MOOM AND BACK FOR 184 reads I'm so grateful.

Would it kill for you guys to drop a cheeky vote, follow and comment?


Adíos my squishies

~ SS

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