Taylor Trys to Kiss the Girl

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Taylor slowly tilts his head forward as he places his hand on my cheek. My knee quickly goes up and hits him in his balls. He sucks in a deep breath and slowly gets on his knees.

"What was that for?" he says through gritted teeth.

" Um, Im on my period." I whisper. I'm such a bad liar.

We hear the door swing open and a janitor walks in.

"Not again Taylor. Stop bringing girls into my closet." the janitor wheels in a mop.

"Um" he looks at me then says "Okay." He stands up, brushes of his knees, and holds out his hand. "Lets go do some hall monitoring." he says. I grab his hand and we leave the janitors room.

"OMG, stop fan girling over Lazer and  Caleb!" says Mike, a small, geeky type guy . He's the only one who knows every guy I like. Which is alot, but he still remembers them all. "That would be childish." I say wiping the drool of my chin. We sit be Seth M. You have to call him Seth M. because there is a Seth A. Seth M. is smart and people are always asking who is smarter, me or him? We don't have an answer because th only period we have together is lunch.

"Hey Zoey! How are you?" Seth asks happily.

"Um, beside almost being kissed in a closet by a hottie, great!" I say, sarcasticly.

I look up from my food and see Luke, Gary, and Ben. He shoots a smile at me as all the girls look. They start giving me glares.

"BOO!" Shouts Katy and Yasmine.

I break eye contact with Luke.

"Soo..." I say to them

"Okay, heres what happened. So Luke now hates me because he found out that I like Jayson so he broke up with me and I started going out with Jayson but appperently we didn't break up so now I'm a cheater and we are offically over." Katy says.

"Yeah.." says Yasmine, looking confused.

After a few boring periods of things like algebra and some fun ones like tennis I head of to success skills with my nine princes. Just me, them, and ocasionally Mr.Boink. This is going to be fun.

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