im in love with ;

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im in love with ; your voice
im in love with ; your personality
im in love with ; your face
im in love with ; your smile
im in love with ; your lips
im in love with ; your nose
im in love with ; your eyes
im in love with ; your freckles
im in love with ; your cheeks
im in love with ; your tongue
im in love with ; your eyebrows
im in love with ; your hair
im in love with ; every single one of your eyelashes
im in love with ; your body
im in love with ; your feet
im in love with ; your thighs
im in love with ; your waist
im in love with ; your back
im in love with ; your hips
im in love with ; your spine
im in love with ; your ribs
im in love with ; your chest
im in love with ; your abs
im in love with ; the veins in your neck
im in love with ; your birthmarks
im in love with ; the way you sing to me
im in love with ; the way you bite your lip
im in love with ; your cute bum
im in love with ; the way you make me laugh and giggle
im in love with ; your skin
im in love with ; your bones
im in love with ; the way you smell
im in love with ; the way you look at me
im in love with ; your laugh
im in love with ; your dorky quirks
im in love with ; the twilight in your eyes
im in love with ; the moonlight against your skin
im in love with ; your touch
im in love with ; the way you make me feel when i'm around you
im in love with ; every single part of you
but most of all,
im in love with

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