chapter one

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Chapter 1.


"But why can't you just understand?" I screamed, taking the glass filled with red whine from the table and smashing it to the ground. "I love him- why can't you just accept that I love him?" I cried out as the glass which I had thrown shattered into thousand pieces on the parquet. "Chloe Elizabeth Lukasiak!" My mother screamed back at me as her eyes widened at the pieces of expensive crystal glass laying all over the floor in a puddle of  whine; it looked like blood. "If I say no, then it's a no." My mother demanded, "you're so much more worth than him. He's garbage, Chloe. He's not from the same social level as we are. What are people going to say? " My mother asked, balling her fist and causing her perfectly manicured nails to dig into her skin. "Oh I can totally imagine what the Frazier's are going to say..." My mother said.

"Social level my ass," Chloe spat, "the only thing you do with your fucking money is living a life to make other people jealous. We're rich! I get it! And I don't give a fuck!" I yelled. "Language, young lady." My mother said, pointing out her finger at me. "You're going to break up with your toy boy and come home with someone of your own level- otherwise I'll..." my mother threatened. "Otherwise you what, huh?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "You're going to give me detention? Block my credit card? You're going to take the keys of my car? Well go ahead, do it; as long as I can be with Josh, I don't give a damn of what you're going to do to me." I smart- mouthed my mother. Her eyes shot fire and she walked up to me, putting up my chin. "This is not how I raised you," she said, looking down at me in total disgust. "That's right..." I muttered, "you didn't raise me at all. And neither did dad. You never had time for me. The only one who raised me was Theresa, our maid." I spat.

My mother's hand made contact with my cheek and I needed some time to realize what had happened. Tears filled my eyes and I was speechless. I stared at my furious mother and swallowed the lump down my throat before I was able to say something. "I hate you-" I whispered in upper madness, "I hate you, and dad, and the whole fucking world" I cried, "I'm not going to step one foot in this house ever again," I said, storming out of the room and up to my room. I stuffed all my needs into a suitcase, called my best friend, and walked up towards the front door, my mom standing next to it, her arms crossed over her chest. "If you leave now- Chloe. Then you never need to come back. Ever again." My mother threatened. "Fuck off" I said. And with that, I opened the front door of our mansion, and slammed the door shut.

I expected my mother to run after me. I waited at least ten more minutes in front of the house. Because a part of me was hoping that my mother would open the door again and pull me into a hug. I kept on staring at my front door until my thoughts got interrupted by the familiar car horn. I ran up towards the car and put my suitcase in the trunk of his car, and took place next to my best friend in the car. "You okay?" He asked. "Just drive, Ricky." I spat. He cleared his throat and nodded, pulling onto the driveway. "Are you sure that this is a good idea, Chlo?" Ricky sighed as he made his way towards Josh's house. I had explained to him at the phone where he needed to drop me off; and he knows where Josh- my boyfriend- lives. 

"Are you going to give me a 'Josh is not good for you' speech as well? Because if so, then you can fucking keep it for yourself, Ricky." I said, raising my voice. Ricky didn't respond and shook his head slowly, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. "You're going to live with him now?" Ricky asked, turning to the ride and driving into the street Josh lives at. "Yes," I said, nodding my head, "and I know you don't approve. And the whole world disapproved, but I love him- and he loves me." I said. Ricky nodded and stopped the car in front of Josh's- and now my home. "Just..." Ricky said, "just know that whenever you have a problem, you can come to me, okay?" He asked. His emerald eyes stared at me and he looked worried. Concerned and worried. 

A small smile managed to escape my lips as I pulled him into a hug, "Yes, Ricky... I know." I whispered, "thank you..."

"I just want you to be okay, remember that." He whispered back, kissing my cheek.


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