part 1

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~Emily's Pov~
I wake up shaking and crying because of another nightmare. I get up and go to Mikey's room hoping he is awake because he usually is or either doing the 3AM challenge. I hear Mikey and Jake talking to the camera saying that they will be going to the haunted highway, I've never known the name because Mikey has never told me the name of the highway. I walk out of the hallway to where Mikey is and I walk over to Mikey and hug his legs. He smiles down at me and asks " Hey Emily, do you want to do the 3AM challenge with us? " I nod and I keep hugging his legs. Jake then grabs the keys and says " Were picking up Adimire on the way ". Mikey nods and walks with me holding his hand and Mikey keeping me close to keep me protected. Once we get to the haunted highway it's already 3AM and I see truck lights behind us. " Mikey there are truck lights and there coming really close " Mikey then turns around and the lights are on long enough for Mikey to see then the light dissapers even before Jake or Adimire could see. Mikey grabs me protectively. 

Safety~ Mikey Manfs little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now