part 10

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            ~Mikeys pov~
I quietly walk to Emily's room and wake her up. She rubs her eyes tiredly and slowly sits up. I chuckle " were having a sibling day Em, get ready and we'll go to seaside " she nods her head and I walk out of her room so that she has privacy to change. After about 20 minutes she finally comes out of her room while I am making bacon and eggs for us. After eating and all that jazz I grab my car keys, and my phone and we go to my car and get to seaside. I pull out my vlog camera " hey guys Mikey manfs here today and I'm at seaside with my favorite little sister Emily" she laughs " I'm your only sister Mikey! " " I know that's why your my favorite ". She does a front flip and I say " no don't flip! Your getting arrested​! " She giggles and I put my camera away and we run to the rollercoaster and get in the very front of the rollercoaster cart. After about 5 hours in seaside we decide to grab our scooters and go to the skatepark. Once we get to the skatepark with our scooters, Emily goes down one of the ramps.

                        ~2 hours later~
I pick up Emily from where she was sitting as she was sound asleep and I carry her with both of our scooters, I put her in the passengers seat, I put the scooters away,and I get in the car and drive home.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday everyone! But hey! I got a chapter out today right? Anyways, I hope you love this chapter and the face reveal will be later today because I'm getting my hair straightened and everything so that's kinda exciting! Anyways, I hope all of you guys have a great day! Byeeee! ❤❤

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