part 8

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                        Mikey's POV
I open the door because Jake texted me telling me that he was here. He comes out with his little sister Lizzy. " MIKEY!! " Lizzy yells and runs over and hugs my legs. I laugh a little and hug her back as I give her a hi. Lizzy runs  inside to go hang out with Emily. Jake and I both walk inside. " Hey Manfs wanna do another 3am challenge? " " Sure ". We decide to do the one man hide and seek but  Lizzy and Emily are going to be doing it with us. I take out my camera " hey guys! Mikey Manfs here and today we are going to be doing a 3am challenge with mu little sister Emily and Jake's little sister Lizzy! " I put the camera away and decide to wait to pull out the camera again until​ it hits 3am.

                 Time skip to 3am
I pull out my camera again " okay everyone we are doing the 3 challenge at Jake's house because his house is already haunted and I don't want my house to be haunted. So what it says online is that first we have to write our names on a piece of paper, first middle and last, next we to prick our fingers, then we have to light 4 candles, put the candles in the closet and close the door. Then we have to knock on the door 22 times, on the last knock it has to be exactly 12am. The game ends at 3:33am and we CANNOT leave the house. If he gets to us, he will first blow out our candles then he will either rip out our intestines one by one or show us our biggest fear." We do all those steps while I keep recording. I feel Emily hold onto me as I keep my candle lit. Then....

Hehe cliff hanger! Haha I'm sorry but I had to!

Safety~ Mikey Manfs little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now