part 20

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We get to Wal-Mart to do the hide and seek. After about 20 minutes a worker or the manager, I dont know which one, starts yelling at us to leave anf I put Emily behind me to protect her. The worker starts to push jake around. " what are you going to do huh? Beat me up when there is a 12 year old girl with us? ". When jake says that the worker gets even more pissed off. We decide to leave because were getting tired of this and because Emily has school in the morning. But the worker stands in front of us as if saying ' you are keeping your asses here until the police come'. I look at Emily and by judging her face she looks terrified, I wouldnt blame her if I was 12

Sorry that this ia short! I wont be uploading as much because today was my first day of school and ill probably be getting homework soon

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