The end or more like the beginning

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Once upon a time a time lived a Prince and his beautiful wife Ariel.

Eric was princess Ariel's whole world she loved him dearly and never wished to part from him. Ariel was a beautiful girl with gorgeous long locks of scarlet hair and eyes the color of the sea. She had a slim figure and a dashing face that any man would be happy to be with.

One day Ariel was strolling through the palace when she heard a scream from the kitchen. She ran as fast as she could which turned out to be very difficult indeed due to her floor length pink gown and heels.

"I'm coming!," Ariel screamed to the screaming victim.

"Everything is fine your majesty!" Yelled the chef. "Get back here you bloody little beast!," He hollered.

"Excuse me?!," Ariel yelled back at the chef quite insulted.

"Oh not you your highness!," Replied the chef urgently as Ariel stormed into the kitchen. "It's this little beast here!," He said gesturing to the disheveled little red crab.

"Oh my plankton! Sebastian! What are you doing to my pet crab?!," Ariel screamed in horror as she grabbed Sebastian off the counter.

"Exactly what his majesty said to do with him.," The chef replied calmly.

Because you see ever since Prince Eric and Ariel had first met Eric had always been jealous of Sebastian because Sebastian always got more attention than Eric.

This is why Eric had given the crab to the chef and told him to do what he pleased with it. Being a cook the chef decided to cook Sebastian and turn him into a lovely dinner for his highness or at least he was until Ariel came in.

Upon hearing this Ariel ran from the kitchen still clutching her pet crab to confront Eric.

Okay I would just like you reader who are probably wondering why it's so short and straight to the point. The reason why the story is like that is because this was originally for a short writing assignment. So I didn't try to be so detailed. Anyways I just wanted y'all to know that.

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