Hard love

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"Finally back" Ariel thought to herself as she poked her head above the water. Ariel and Sebastian (because he had insisted on coming along) had just made it back to the surface and were swimming towards the beach.

" What am I going to wear when I get to land?" Ariel thought to herself as she kept swimming it was harder to do without fins. Because unfortunately at the moment she was naked.

When they made it to land Ariel expressed her concerns to Sebastian about the clothing issue with some difficulty seeing how neither of them could speak on land. So she was running around butt naked on the beach with nobody but a little red crab to help her.

Finally Sebastian spotted something that would shavice as clothing it was a torn up large piece of cloth and some rope. "That will have to do" Sebastian thought to himself. Gesturing to Ariel she tried it on it worked. So they headed for the palace getting some weird looks from people as they passed by.

When they got to the palace Ariel and Sebastian made their way towards the royal sweet upon entering the room Ariel spotted two figures in a full on make out session. One of those figures was Eric the other was a woman the Ariel didn't recognize.

Sebastian gave Ariel a sympathetic look. "I'm going to kill him! Ariel thought mad at the world! Him and his evil witch of a girlfriend!" Ariel screamed inside her head in outrage! "He thinks he can just move on just like that well he's sadly mistaken!" She thought wishing could express this to Sebastian. "It's time I set out with my plan adding a couple of very necessary changes."

Turning on her heels and storming off Sebastian got the hint and followed.

She went to the palaces personal hospital wing and grabbed some medication that is meant to make people drowsy and fall asleep which served Ariel plan perfectly. After that she headed for the kitchen but not before snatching a notebook and pin. Hey she had to have someway to communicate with these people.

"Where is the Prince's supper?" Ariel wrote on the notebook paper and handed it to the somewhat surprised chef.

"Now why would you need to know that?" The chef replied suspiciously.

Giving him an annoyed look Ariel quickly wrote "none of your business now tell me where it is or I'll have you fired!" Well that did it the chef pointed towards the meal cart where a lovely dinner was prepared for Eric.

Grabbing hold of the cart Ariel took it and left without giving the chef a second glance. The chef concerned that his job was on the line did nothing.

Back outside the royal sweet Ariel cautiously peeked her head inside to listen.

"Oh how happy I am to be rid of Ariel! I don't know if she would have ever taken the hint if I hadn't told her!" Eric said smiling cruelly.

"I too am happy to be rid of that little red haired beast!" Replied the woman smugly

"I'm not the only one your about to be rid" of Ariel thought to herself. Pouring the medication into Eric's and his mistresses wine glasses and placing them back on the meal cart. Shortly a servant came by and saw the  unattended food cart and quickly brought it to his highness.

"Ah finally we were thinking you weren't coming" Eric said from within the room.


"This wine is delicious!" The woman who's name turned out to be Vanessa said

"The best for my love" Eric replied just before yawning "boy I'm so tired all of the sudden! I think I'm gonna go to bed." Eric said sounding drowsy.

"Me too" Vanessa said laying down next to Eric in the king size bed. Shortly the were both passed out asleep. Ariel had been watching this  the whole time.  And once she was sure they were both asleep she quietly entered the room

"Those drugs worked like a charm"  she thought to herself smiling. "Okay Eric  let's you and me go for a little ride!" Ariel thought as she grabbed Eric by the arms and slowly  with Sebastian's help dragged Eric's heavy unconscious body out of the castle.


Ariel finally got to the docks for the final part of her plan. Ariel gently placed Eric's unconscious body on deck of his favorite boat.

"Can't say it's been nice knowing you Eric" Ariel wished to goodness she could say out loud but unfortunately she couldn't so she just shrugged pulled the match that she had managed to grab from the castle out of her make shift dress and lit the wooden boat on fire quickly diving deep down into the water with Sebastian right behind her.

"You deserved this Eric every single bit of it!" Ariel thought as she headed back for mermaid kingdom where people actually cared about her waited for her return.

                      The end!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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