★ Nervous? (Wade Wilson x Reader)

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The sound of the TV blaring echoed around the worn down living room of Wade Wilson's apartment. The messy space itself didn't bother the mercenary or the young woman occupying it, they were much too absorbed by the glowing lights and sound emitting from the TV as they lounged on the couch. The cushioned furniture itself matched the filthy room, with various ruined red and black suits of Wade's strewn across the arm rests and back spine.

The film they were currently watching was Kubo and the Two Strings, a kids movie Wade suggested they see as his roommate, Y/N, scrolled through her Netflix account in search of anything that might gain her interest. Out of sheer boredom and the 'there's nothing to watch' phase, the h/c haired woman had complied and pressed play. She then leaned back against one of the mercenary's blood splattered suits; not a single care evident in her movements. That earned the muscular male's amusement and approval.

They were about halfway through the movie when Wade began his usual cycle of 'Oh? A boring scene! Better bother the person closest to me'.

"Quit it."

Y/N hissed quietly when the mercenary suddenly lifted his weight off his cushion and plopped it onto Y/N's, causing her to bounce slightly and slide sideways into him. Much Wade's bubbling frustration, his roommate hadn't even bothered to peel her gaze from the TV to address him, despite the fact that their outer thighs were pressed together. Huffing softly beneath his mask, the mutant suddenly sprawled sideways onto Y/N's lap, reaching one hand up to teasingly touch her face. In response, the young woman seized his hand and used her other to pinch the pressure point on his shoulder, earning a surprised and pained squeal from the massive male.

"I said quit it."

She muttered once again, still staring at the moving screen as her roommate weakly writhed on her lap. In one quick moment, the mercenary pulled his hand out of hers and wiggled free of her pinched fingers, rolling onto the carpeted floor with a thump. Wade laid on his back for a moment, releasing a deep groan as he arched his back over the attractive young woman's bare feet. Another wave of desperation and immense irritation flowed over his body when he notice that she still had yet to pay him any thorough attention.

Wade finally went slack on the floor, his back pressing against Y/N's feet completely as he stared at the ceiling and listened to the voices emitting from the TV. He had been so busy attempting to pass time and irritate his roommate, that he had missed an important action scene from the movie. Quietly, the muscular mutant pushed himself off the carpet and onto the couch beside the h/c haired woman once again, on his own cushion space. A couple moments passed before his voice became audible.

"Where's the skeleton monster? Did they get the Sword Unbreakable?"

He asked, peering through his mask at the screen. As he voiced his curiosity, Wade failed to notice Y/N curl her hands into fists and grind her teeth together tightly.


The mercenary was cut off by the young woman as she suddenly released a loud screech of frustration before barreling into him; tackling him off of the cheap couch. Wade, entertained and overjoyed by her long anticipated negative response, released a playful squeal as the young woman wrestled him into a straddling position. The TV continued to blare as Y/N's h/c hair hung in her eyes as she panted, sitting on her roommate's chest with her forearm pressed against his throat.

"Fucking stop."

The young woman hissed at him, her glare burning into his own concealed gaze. When she suddenly began to sit up and lift her weight off him, Wade reacted by seizing her wrists in both hands flipping her back to the floor. He had just managed to gain her irritation and attention, there was no way he was going to give it up again. Y/N released a deep throated howl of frustration as she writhed beneath the muscular male, who was now leaning close to her face in the same fashion she had displayed towards him.

"No, I will not fucking stop."

He breathed out, the scent of him washing over the young woman as she ceased movement and stared up into his covered eyes. Y/N responded by biting down on her lip and leaning her head back on the carpeted floor, trying to put some distance between them. For the first time, Wade was making her feel a little... aroused. The movie they had been watching was now obviously long forgotten as they met gazes.

The mercenary lifted a brow beneath his mask, observing the unusual behavior Y/N was displaying as she averted gazes by turning her head to the side. Normally, the spunky woman would either jest back verbally, or just bite the shit out of him. But now she was being submissive and little bit... twitchy? Almost as if she were uncomfortable at the proximity. At the thought, the t-shirt and jean clad male suddenly lifted his weight off his roommate's hips, hovering above her. As he did so, the mutant recalled the game he had heard about from Tony the last time he visited the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. Sure the conditions weren't exactly right, but it should work well enough...

Wade continued to support his weight as he pressed his forefinger against Y/N's forehead, causing her to look at him again and frown.

"Are you nervous?"

He teasingly purred, applying pressure to the spot. Confusion lacing the young woman's tone, she remained still and replied.

"... No?"

Immediately afterwards, Wade suddenly used his thumb and forefinger to pinch her nose, earning a small laugh and smile from Y/N.

"Are you nervous?"

He repeated, grinning beneath his mask when he noticed that his roommate appeared to realize what he was doing.


She replied cockily, waiting for his next move with a smug smile plastered across her attractive features. Surely he wouldn't take it too far, they were roommates after all. Then again he was pretty unpredictable and annoying...

"How about now?"

He murmured as he suddenly slid his hand beneath her shirt, pressing his cool and outstretched palm against the soft skin of Y/N's stomach. Shuddering beneath his hand, her reply came in a shy whisper.

"... No..."

Truth be told, the unfamiliar worm of excitement writhed within her at Wade's touch, and it took every ounce of her self control not to press her legs firmly together.


He asked again, his hand now pressed between the valley of her breasts, the bra clasp digging into Y/N's chest.


Wade frowned beneath his mask at her response, her expression tightly unreadable as she remained as still as a stone. Huh, so this is how it's gonna be. Suddenly, the mercenary removed his hand from beneath her shirt, noticing the strained sigh of relief from the woman beneath him. Looks like the only approach would have to be surprise...


He spoke once more, an odd sense of calmness in his voice as he pressed his palm against her now shirt covered stomach. Y/N displayed a confused frown as she responded, her brows lifted in unison as she stared at the masked male.


She didn't have the chance to finish her sentence when Wade suddenly pushed his mask up and off his lips, which he pressed against hers. Y/N released a surprised squeak beneath him as he moved his warm, chapped lips against her own, the skill and emotion released causing bubbles to burst within her chest. When he finally broke the kiss to allow the young woman air, he huffily repeated the ever so familiar question.

"Are you nervous?"

Y/N's reply followed a short few seconds after, earning a laugh from the muscular mutant.

"Ask me that after you finish what you started, movie spoiling fucker."

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