★ Raccoon! (Peter Parker x Reader)

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{Howdy! Just wanted to let y'all know that this one-shot idea was actually based on something that happened to me in real life. Well, except the appearance of Spider-Man, of course. Enjoy!}

The usual bustle and noise of the streets in Queens was simply background noise to the young woman climbing the steps to her apartment. Today was rather boring and horribly long at work, which explained the dulled expression on the Y/N's attractive features. If the h/c haired New Yorker was being honest, she kinda craved some sort of criminal commotion, as petty as that sounded. But then again, who could blame her? It was the kind of shit she was accustomed to.

After pausing to adjust the earbuds firmly inserted into her ears, Y/N used her shoulder to push the murky glass door in front of her open, cringing at the squeak that emitted from the rusty hinges. Ugh, this place was so old and structurally displeasing even to a homeless person. Well, at least she actually had a building to recognize as her home, rather than spend another year at her dad's apartment. He was so aggravating sometimes...

With a bored sigh, the h/c haired beauty slowly made her way down the dimly lit hall of her ground-floor dwelling. Even the upbeat music blasting in her ears didn't do anything to improve Y/N's mood. That was weird, usually some bouncy pop songs could motivate her enough to climb on tables and dance like a complete retard. Today apparently wasn't her day, despite nothing bad had happened. Then again, nothing good occurred either. Phooey.

After fishing around in the pockets of her jeans for a moment, the h/c haired woman managed to produce the keys to her apartment. With a smug poker face, she mockingly patted herself on the back before inserting the key into the lock. After a little struggle, Y/N finally got the damned door to open.

"Yay, me."

The attractive young woman muttered under her breath before entering the living space, dramatically slamming the age-swollen door behind her. She was greeted by the cursed sight of her cheap apartment. Oh, how it simply tortured her to call this place home. As she did her usual sweep of the four tiny rooms, Y/N couldn't help but obnoxiously drag her feet and sway her hips. All rooms were how she left them. Cheap, small, and in need of a thorough cleaning. Yippee.

When she stopped in the final room, the kitchen, one of the usual aromas of death made itself known to her. Wonderful, she had forgotten to take out the trash that morning. Scrunching up her nose and holding her breath, Y/N quickly pulled the putrid smelling bag from it's can; taking care to tie off the top tightly. Twice the h/c haired woman dropped the bag when she rushed to the tiny backyard of her apartment, and both times she had to fight the instinctual urge to vomit.

Ignoring the rattling bang of the screen door shutting behind her, Y/N's pace increased to an actual run when she caught sight of the trash can. It was probably one of the most blessed things she had laid her eyes upon all day. With one headphone hanging out and the other still jammed firmly in her ear, the young woman released a strained huff as she set down the bag and pulled the tin lid off the can. Then she heard it. A loud, menacing hiss emanating from within the trash holding vessel. And out of natural curiosity, Y/N looked in. Her startled scream echoed throughout the entire neighborhood of apartments lining the street.

With one hand planted over her heart, the h/c haired woman stumbled backwards a few feet, her e/c eyes wide with fright and shock. In response to her shriek, the creature within the barrel shaped can released yet another hiss. This caused the panic in Y/N's chest to swell, and the h/c haired New Yorker found herself stumbling over her feet and falling backwards ungracefully. The paved ground never met her ass.

Y/N found herself staring into the mask concealed gaze of New York's most infamous vigilante, Spider-Man. He had one hand pressed against her shoulder blades, his knee beneath her ass. The position was awkward and comforting at the same time, him in a kneeling position, and her leaning backwards as if she were sitting in a chair. This day suddenly lost it's gray, boring streaks.

"I was nearby and I heard you scream."

The red and blue clad hero said softly, his free hand clamped around Y/N's hand, which had original been against her chest. They were awfully close...


Was all Y/N could say, her remaining headphone slowly sliding out of her ear. The moment felt as if it would last forever. Well, at least until another hiss resonated from the trash can a short distance away. Y/N's posture stiffened at the sound and she pulled free of Spider-Man, remaining on her ass as she shakily stood up and took a few nervous steps backwards. In response to her spazzy movements, the hero stretched to his full height and looked over at the trash can, expression unreadable beneath the mask.

Another hiss.

Y/N released a strained squeal and rushed up behind Spider-Man, her hands grabbing onto his right arm as she peeked over his shoulder. Without a word, the vigilante approached the can with zero caution, the h/c haired beauty shuffling close behind him. Y/N didn't look over his shoulder in time to see him look in, but judging by the following hiss from the can, he had.

"Holy hell-"

The masked vigilante gasped out, taking a few steps backwards with Y/N's hands grasping his arm even tighter. Another tense moment passed before Spider-Man sudden laughed, earning a confused 'huh' from the female cowering behind him.

"That has to be one of the biggest raccoons I've ever seen."

The red and blue hero amusedly announced, turning around to face the wide eyed woman as she released his arm. After a moment, Y/N's frightened expression was replace by a pout at Spider-Man's leisurely comment.

"Mhm. Well, if this is so amusing to you, lets see how fast you can get rid of it."

Y/N snapped, planting her hands on her hips with a brow raised expectantly. To be honest, she had imagined meeting this man with much more emphasis. Such as being saved from villain or something hot like that... Phooey.

"I got an idea."

The vigilante announced cheerfully, turning away from the pouting young woman. With absolute ease and remarkable precision, the masked hero shot a line of webbing at the can, only to shoot another upwards to the top of the neighboring building.

"I'll be back in a few, some lemonade would be nice!"

Spider-Man called out to Y/N as he swung up and into the air, the lidless can being dragged behind. With a growing smile, the young woman removed her hands from her hips and walked back inside. Lemonade this awesome web-head demanded, this awesome web-head would most certainly receive. 

That raccoon was in for one hell of a ride...

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