Hero Pt.2

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Part 2 of 'hero'
Ethan's Pov

3 weeks later

Ever since the day Camila stood up for me we became close friends,I started developing feelings for her but I became to scare to tell her.I just didn't want to ruin anything I have with her right now,she means the world to me and if I tell her about my feelings she may reject me and I don't want to lose her.

I was currently in gym class and I was playing a small basketball game with My friends,Shawn,Justin,Cameron,the Dolan twins ,Kian and Cole.While other people watched us,I saw Camila with Taylor,Hailee,Ariana and Selena,I waved at them and they waved and smile.

"Ok Ethan I'll pass you the ball and you try and make a three pointer"Justin told me

We were going against Austin and his three friends who bullied me at first and some other four dudes.Technically it's eight against eight,with my team winning.Justin threw me the ball in which I caught,I was Face to face with Austin I quickly dribble past him and made the ball in the net,I saw camila and her friends cheer for us and some other people in the bleachers,but the game wasn't over yet.

"Dudes it's getting hot I don't know about y'all but I'm taking my shirt off"I told the group

They soon decided to take their shirts off,we notice people staring,I looked at camila staring and I just smirked.

Camila's Pov

Me and the girls saw as the boys took their shirts off and we couldn't help but stare at them,I was looking at Ethan and he noticed me and smirked.

Me and the girls saw as the boys took their shirts off and we couldn't help but stare at them,I was looking at Ethan and he noticed me and smirked

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"Camila,Ethan is so hot without his glasses and shirt"Ariana said while licking her lips

"Ari how can you say that you have a boyfriend"I told her

"I'm sorry but your best friend is hot"She said again

"I agree with ari on this one"Selena said

We kept looking at the shirtless guys playing,but my eyes were on Ethan S,not Ethan Dolan.

I want to tell him I like him,ever since day one,but what if he thinks we're just meant to be friends and that's it.

All these thoughts made me emotional I got up and walked past the game and walked outside the gym,I saw when people were staring at me but I didn't care they don't know what's wrong.

"Time out"I heard someone say

I was sitting in the benches outside the gym when someone sat next to me

"Mila is everything alright?"asked Ethan

"Yes Eth everything's alright,I just needed air"I lied

"Camila I'm your best friend I know when you're sad,come on talk to me"

"I said I'm fine plea-"

"Smith get in here we have 5 minutes left"we heard Cole

"That's my cue,but We're not over"he said

I then saw him walk into the gym

I waited outside not wanted to be seeing by other people or not wanting to be asked questions by my friends,they wanted to follow me but I told them not to since I'll just get worst.

I heard as Ethan's team made another shot meaning they are ahead of Austin's team.

5 minutes later

I heard as the game was over and Ethan's team won,I watched as the people walked out and headed outside since this was the last class.I got up and walked towards the exit when i heard someone yell my name

"Camila,Camila,Wait up"Ethan was the one shouting

I continue walking ignoring him

"Camila what's wrong with you?let me talk with you"

I just continued ignoring him,I was crossing the street and almost made it to the other when I felt something or someone push me out of the way.

I open my eyes and saw Ethan on top of me

"You ok?"he asked


"Mila you almost got ran over,are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes Ethan I'm alright because you're my hero"I told him

"Glad to be your hero"he said and I noticed he was still on top of me

"Ethan can you please get o-"

I was interrupted with him kissing me,I was taken back but soon kissed back every movement was...perfect his lips and my lips were made for one another,I felt fireworks and butterflies I knew at this point that we were meant for each other.

He stopped and looked at me

"Camila I-I-I I love you"he said while stuttering

A couple tears escaped my eyes and he wiped them away

"I love you Ethan"I told him and this time tears escaped his eyes and I wiped them away

"Will you be my girlfriend?"he asked

"Of course if it means you'll be my hero then yes"I said

We kissed again and I couldn't be any happier

"I love you Ethan Alexander smith"

"I love you Karla Camila Cabello"


There you have it part 2 of Hero

Remember request are open i have some request I haven't done but I'll get on to it

My book Instagram only has two more post and it's over

Don't worry Instagram 2 is coming out soon

The second book is going to go through the birth process and some family time If y'all haven't checked the book out go and check it it's a camila Cabello book and Francisco Lachowski

Thank you all for your support

Peace ✌🏻

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