Someone will love you

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"You deserve better!"He shouted

"No I don't,I deserve you."She said as tears ran down her face.

"Don't you realize that I'm not good enough for you.You're a Famous Pop singer, and I'm"He turned around and continued to pack his Bags.

"Why are you doing this now,Why now all of a sudden?"Camila asked as she pulled his Left arm.

He stayed silent and just shut his eyes, not wanting to face Camila.

"I love you Y/n!"she shouted while,hitting his back.

Y/n turned around and grabbed her wrist.

"I can't say the same thing to you.I-I don't love you."Y/n said as he lowers Camila's arms.

Camila looked at him with disbelief,she couldn't believe that the guy she loved,didnt feel the same.Even if they been together for two years.

"What?No you can't be serious,I love you and I given you my all."

"Camila Listen,Someone will love you, But someone isn't me."He let go of Camila's hand and turned around.

He grabbed his Suitcase and his duffle bag,he walked to the door and opened the door.He held on to the door knob as he turned around and looked at Camila one last time.

He saw as she fell on the bed and cried, he turned around and walked away.He stood outside the door and leaned on it.

Tears slipping down his face, he knew what he was doing was for the best.Y/n knew that he wasn't good enough,and he was more sure when he spoke to Noah,and Noah told Y/n that Camila deserved someone who could make her happy.Someone who isn't Himself.

Someone that wouldn't make her worry everyday,someone that was as good as her.And not just some Struggling Soccer player.


Camila laid in  her bed, crying into her pillow.She just couldn't understand why Y/n would change now, all of a sudden.

She never thought he would think that she deserved better, she didn't want anyone else, she didn't need a perfect guy, she needed Y/n.

She loved the way he was, she loved how he would show his emotions unlike other guys, how he would always be there to listen to her, how he would hold onto her at night whenever she had a hard time in the studio, and how he would support her with all the hate she would sometimes get.

She wanted her Y/n back.She didn't want anyone else to love her, that someone had to be Y/n.


Two weeks later

Y/n was walking through Rodeo Drive,he was walking with with a cast around his right arm, he couldn't believe the luck he has been having.

First,he was convince that he wasn't a good enough boyfriend

Second,he broke up with the girl he liked the most.

Third,he ended up breaking an arm

And last, he found out that Camila was willing to give Noah a chance of being her boyfriend.

'And she said she loves me' He said to himself.

'Yet I'm the one who let her go,Why am I such a fucking idiot?'


Camila was in her house, she was going through the pictures she and Noah took the day before.

Suddenly she came upon a picture of you and Her.

She couldn't help but want to break down into More tears.

There was a knock on the door all of a sudden, which startled her.

She placed her phone down and wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes.

She fixed her hair a little and opened the door.

She wanted to fall on the floor when she saw who was standing in front of her.


"Cami."He smiled and pulled Camila for a hug.

Though she pulled him away from her and just slapped him across face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"She shouted,while slapping Y/n again.

He held onto his face and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Ok first of all ,OW,and second,OW."Camila rolled her eyes at the young Brazilian guy.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here?"She asked again, she crossed her arms and looked at Y/n.

"I'm here to tell you that I made a mistake,I should've never left you, and well I love you,I love you more then anything Camila."Y/n cupped Camila's Cheeks in his hands and slowly started to lean in.

Just as they were inches away,Camila pulled away from his touch.

"I'm sorry Y/n,I'm with Noah and you were the one who left me, and now is when you want to come back to me?I'm sorry but you made your decision and I made mines.Like you told me,Someone will love you, but someone isn't me."

Camila pushed Y/n out the door

"Bye Y/n."

She closed the door and leaned her back onto the Door.

On the other side Y/n did the same.

"I love you,Camila."
"I love you,Y/n."

They said to themselves

Both of them having tears slide down their cheeks.

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