Ghost (2)

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I stared at the beautiful girl in front of me, not being able to believe that she's actually here, I thought this was a dream.

I mean it's not just her beauty that's making me question her existence but the fact that's she's actually a ghost and standing in front of me is making me trip.

"Can you please not stare."She looked away."It makes me feel like you're looking for something wrong with me."

My breathing hitched as she spoke.

She was beautiful and I knew she had a beautiful personality as well.

"'s just that I think you're beautiful."I admit it

She looked away."If I could touch you I would've pushed you."

I smirked."To bad you can't."I teased

She rolled her eyes."So how you like my house?"

"I mean at first I loved it, but then I found out you died here."I looked down."So now I'm a little spooked."

She looked at me."Well there's nothing to be afraid of, I'm a nice spirt."She gave me a beautiful wide smile

I couldn't help but Smile back.

"I think you should get some sleep, you do have school after all tomorrow."

I mentally rolled my eyes."I guess you're right."

"When is a girl ever wrong?"

I was about to open my mouth but she stopped me.

"Don't you dare go there."She warned.I closed my mouth and smiled.

"I won't say anything then."

"Good boy.Now go to sleep."She pointed at my bed and I groaned as I got in.

"Camila, will you be here tomorrow?"I asked Shyly.

"Duh."She rolled her eyes playfully."I'm technically stuck with you, unless you want me gone."

I smiled and laid back."Ok, Goodnight."

"Goodnight Y/n."

"Y/n hurry up, you're going to be late!"My dad shouted

I ran down the stairs and quickly walked into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and grabbed the car keys.

"Bye mom, bye dad."I waved as I closed the front door

I walked to the car and dropped my apple as I saw Camila.

"Jesus!"I placed my hand on my chest

She started laughing."I thought you said you're a nice ghost."

"I am."she stopped laughing."But I can't help it if you're easily scared."

I rolled my eyes and got inside the car, I saw as she also got in.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to school with you."

"But we can't talk."She gave me a look."People are going to think I'm crazy."

She then looked around and then looked at me as a smile grew on her face.

"Just pretend you're talking on the phone every time me and you talk, and then everyone will just think you're talking to someone on the phone."

"That could actually work."

"Well of course it can , I mean hello I'm a genius."

"Yea, yea whatever."

Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now