Chapter 11

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Hebe and I decided together that we would confront the boys when they came to collect their usual. Around 4 o'clock we psyched ourselves up. But it was for nothing. Nobody came.

Nobody came the next day either.

Or the day after that.

As the week drew to a close we began to get angry at ourselves.

"We are so stupid!" Hebe groaned as she cleaned the coffee machine. "Why on earth did we not get their numbers?" She cursed under her breath.

"Maybe, they didn't want them." I reasoned. Now that I knew who they really were, it seemed even more unlikely that Brad would ever be interested in someone like me. He had the choice of any girl he fancied so my chances were even lower than before.

"Maybe," Hebe sighed deflated, "Actually, probably."

"Alright girls, you may as well leave now. I can sort the rest out," Kathy called over to us so we got our stuff together and left the shop. We'd only just walked a little way down the street when we saw three boys walking towards us.

"Lucy! Quick we need to cross the road," Hebe grabbed my arm and dragged me across the road. Startled I looked back and immediately wished I hadn't because my eyes locked contact with Brad's. I awkwardly waved and turned around again and hurried after Hebe. I heard him call out after us but I didn't look back. After we'd been walking a bit, a rough hand grabbed my shoulder and I screamed in shock and stumbled off the path. Stronger arms caught and steadied me. I looked around in surprise at Brad who was looking ever so amused. Tristan was smirking and I assumed it was him that grabbed me.

"Sorry we haven't seen you for a while. We've been mega busy!" Tris looked apologetically at Hebe but she avoided his gaze and looked down at her feet. "Anyway, maybe I should get your number?" Tristan turned to face me and I nodded. He gave me his phone and I typed my number into it.

"Hold up," Brad said quickly, "If he's getting your number, I am as well!" he handed his phone to me with a lopsided grin. I couldn't resist laughing as I pressed in the digits. Tris managed to wiggle Hebe out of her closed state and smiled triumphantly as she typed her number into his phone.

"Awesome," Tristan looked triumphant as he looked down at his phone. It made me smile.

"I feel left out," Connor said grinning. I laughed and held out my hand for his phone.

"Where's James?" Hebe asked as I handed Connors phone back to him.

"Rehearsal," Connor said his attention on his phone. I looked up alert. Brad and Tristan looked over at Connor alarmed. Connor slowly realised what he said and looked up from his phone worriedly at the other two.

"Rehearsal?" Hebe asked, curiously. I played along.

"Is James in a band?"

Brad looked at his shoes whilst Tristan looked sharply at Connor,

"Err..." Connor looked so uncomfortable I felt sorry for him. I really liked Connor; we didn't mean to land him in it. I decided to put him out of his misery.

"It's alright Connor, we already know." I smiled at him but he didn't look any less uncomfortable.

"What?" Tristan aimed the question at me but Hebe answered.

"The Vamps, does that name ring any bells?" She asked her eyes sparkling. Brad looked up and smiled shyly. He was so adorable.

"How did you find out?" he asked without breaking eye contact.

"You're the support act for Mcfly,"

"You're Mcfly fans?" Connor asked. Phew, he was okay.

"The biggest!" Hebe gushed. I laughed and looked up at Brad, he was still looking at me. It made me blush but I then remembered a very important question that had been floating around my mind for the last couple of days.

"DO YOU GUYS KNOW MCFLY?" I squealed loudly making Connor stumble of the path in shock. I helped him back up grinning.

"Answer!" Hebe shook Tristan's arm excitedly and he laughed.

"Yeah we do, they're great guys." He told her, although I'd asked the question. "If you want we could try and get you backstage passes?" he added.

"Are you kidding? That would be amazing!" Hebe shrieked. I didn't speak I just stood staring at them with my mouth hanging open.

"Don't get your hopes up too high yet!" Brad laughed.

"When will we know?" Hebe asked and I leaned in closer to the conversation.

"So impatient," Tristan rolled his eyes playfully earning him a slap from Hebe.

It worked though because Brad whipped out his phone and called 'Joe'. He walked away from where we were standing to make the call. The suspense was killing me!


"Thanks man, I owe you one." I hung up on Joe and smiled to myself. It was surprisingly easy to get a hold of backstage passes when you know the right people. They were going to be so happy. Joe managed to get four so I guess they can just bring two friends with them.

I was about to turn around when I thought, I could have some fun with this...

I turned around and tried to look downhearted although I've never been a great actor. I saw Lucy and Hebe clutching on to each other with eager faces. As I approached I shook my head. I watched their reactions; Hebe's smile disappeared and her bottom lip wobbled as she said, "Thanks for trying Brad."

Lucy's smile never left her face, it grew smaller and I knew she was upset because her eyes told me so. However, she maintained her smile and thanked me.

"Are you disappointed?" I asked,

"Only a little," Lucy replied, "It's no big deal."

"Oh. Okay, so should I give them away?" I asked casually.

"What away?"

"The four backstage passes I got you two,"

"WHAT?" Hebe was alive with excitement again and she ran over to hug me. She was jumping up and down and her blonde hair flew across my face so I couldn't open my mouth. She released me and ran to give Tristan a hug, followed by Connor - who looked very uncomfortable. I laughed. My attention was drawn back to Lucy whose expression was that of a Disney character. Her mouth was open in a perfect 'O' and her blue eyes were wide. She regained control of her face and punched me lightly on the arm in mock annoyance. "Thank you," she laughed and extended her arms to give me a hug. I rested my chin on her head which was nestled into my chest. I got a waft of her hair and inhaled involuntarily. Before I had to release her there was the familiar sound of a yelling Tristan. "GROUP HUG!"

I looked up and saw Tristan dragging Hebe and Connor over to where we were stood. Soon, we were just stood in the middle of a busy, London street hugging and laughing. It was one of those moments you wish you could just pause and live in forever.

A/N As always, thank you for reading! :) Sorry this has taken so long, but as a fair warning I just want to say that I don't know how often I'll be able to update from now on as I have my GSCE's beginning next month so have to revise, boo! Please remember to vote/comment/etc to let me know if you like it! Bye! :)

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