Chapter 8

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I woke up and stretched beneath the covers. Rolling over, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 12:34pm. Oops, overslept. But it didn't matter because it was Sunday! My day of rest!

I tumbled out of bed and got ready at a leisurely pace. I was just clipping my hair out of my face when my mum came bursting in the door.

"Knock will you?" I yelled shocked.

"Oh Lucy, hurry up and come downstairs. We want to talk to you," she walked out again. I made sure to wait a good ten minutes before following her down.

"Afternoon Luce!" Andrew laughed and I smiled at him.

"Sit down Lucy," Mum said smiling, but her smile was wrong. It wasn't genuine. Guilty? "We have to tell you something."

"Spit it out," although I didn't want to hear it.

"In the summer, we're going to America, New York. We won a competition, it's unbelievable really!" she smiled excitedly at Andrew but he didn't smile back. But I was excited now. If there is one thing I want to do with my life, its travel across America. We'd never really had the money to travel abroad and America seems like an amazing adventure to me. "But," I didn't like that...

"The competition was for a family of four."


"It will just be the twins, Andrew and me." In that moment all of my fears were confirmed. She didn't care about me at all anymore.

"Why are you even telling me this?" I yelled at her angrily.

"Well, sweetie you need to arrange your sleeping arrangements whilst we're gone. We was thinking maybe Hebe would --"

"No! You can't ask that of her!" Andrew put his head in his hands. At least he was showing some remorse.

"Come on love,"

"Don't you dare call me 'love'!" I screamed at her and stormed out of the kitchen and out the front door.

I felt the tears run down my cheeks and the wind howling in my ears. I didn't know where to go. I wanted to be alone but I wanted someone to hug me and tell me I would be okay. My phone rang but I silenced it without glancing at the number. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I let my feet carry me wherever they wanted and eventually after about half an hour of walking they took me to the church. I stopped and stared at it. My eyes were dry but the lump in my throat was still going strong. I reached out and opened the gate leading to the cemetery.

Silently I followed the path until I reached the familiar headstone that had been the subject of my nightmares for so long. Before it frightened me, now it provided comfort. I took a deep breath and knelt beside it. Fresh tears fell from my eyes and onto the grass.

I swallowed hard and whispered, "Hey, Dad."

I don't know how long I sat there and talked to him. I was freezing but I didn't want to leave his side. My childhood was happy. I had a mum and dad who loved me. We had enough money to have a comfortable life but then dad got in an accident and left us. I was eight at the time. Mum had a meltdown. She was useless, she gave me food and a bed to sleep in and that's all I should thank her for. She looked out for herself; she didn't give a second thought to the child who'd lost a father.

My phone rang again and I jumped out of my skin. Hebe's name popped up on the screen. I let it ring a couple of times and decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey Lucy!"

"Tristan?" I croaked surprised,

"Got it in one! Are you okay? You sound awful. Have you come down with what Hebe had?" his voice was filled with concern.

"I'm fine. How come you're on Hebe's phone?"

"We bumped into each other; we were wondering do you want to meet up?" I thought for a while, I was a complete mess.

"I'd love to,"

"Awesome! See you in ten?" Tristan asked excitedly. I smiled to myself, if anyone could cheer me up it would probably be him and Hebe.

"Wait Tris! Where? You didn't say where!"

"Oh, my bad. The park next to Tesco?"

"Sure, see you in ten!"

I hung up the phone and got up from my seat on the grass. "Bye Dad," I said and walked away without looking back.

A/N Sorry about the wait for this chapter, thank you all for reading! This ones a little different but I hope you like it :) Please vote/comment as it lets me know you're enjoying it! Until next time! x

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