Chapter 2

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The shop was alive and busy when I walked in. Not uncomfortable busy but busy none the less. I waved quickly at Kathy and went through to the back where I tied up my long, brown hair and shoved on my green apron.

I took over from Kathy as she went on her break and dealt with customers until Hebe arrived. She took her place and got to work. At 4:30pm the shop had reached uncomfortable busy, everyone had come in before we closed. Hebe ran upstairs to grab some more cookies and promised she would be back before the queue got too long. Hot and flustered I turned my back on the line and wiped some milk that had overflowed.

"You look like you could use a break," a voice sounded from behind me followed by a laugh. It was soft but I could still hear it above the noise around me. I turned around to face the most attractive boy I've ever seen. His chocolate brown eyes were shining as he smiled at me and his dimples were highlighted beautifully. His dark, curly hair could be seen sticking out from beneath his bllack beanie and he reached up and brushed a bit aside that had fallen into his face. I stood awkwardly gawking at him for a second before I snapped back.

"You could say that," I replied smiling desperately hoping I didn't look to sweaty and stressed. "You've caught us in the rush period,"

"I'll have to get here earlier tomorrow then," he winked and my stomach flipped over - he was coming back tomorrow?

"Yeah, maybe," I smiled, "What can I get you?"

"What would you recommend?" he leaned against the counter and gave me this cute half smile.

"Err, definitely the chocolate cookie and a cappuccino,"

"Great! Four cookies and four cappuccinos please," he smiled, showing off his adorable dimples.

"You hungry?" I laughed, inwardly slapping myself for my lame attempt at humour. He laughed - probably out of sympathy - and pointed at a table.

"I'm waiting for some friends,"

I told him I'd be over as soon as I could and he told me not to rush. Soon there was a gap in the crowd and Hebe had returned. Carefully, I brought over the food and drinks to the curly haired boys table. "Thanks so much," he told me as I set it all down on the table.

"No problem," I mumbled blushing slightly.

"I'm Bradley," he told me looking down at his drink. Bradley. What a lovely name, I don't know anyone called Bradley.

"Nice to meet you Bradley, I'm Lucy," I said it shyly. I wish I was confident, I really do.

"Nice to officially meet you Lucy!" he grinned, his eyes lighting up.

Smiling, I got back to work. I was busy - as usual - but I noticed when Bradley's friends arrived. Possibly due to the volume in the shop increasing, quite drastically. All three of them were attractive and I couldn't believe it. Where did all of these good looking boys come from? Two were tall and thin although one was slightly more muscular than the other. The third boy had light brown hair and was quite a bit shorter than the other two. As they sat down, the boy with the lightest hair turned so that I could see his face. I recognised him as the latecomer yesterday. Tristan. Our eyes locked and a smile broke out onto his face. He waved enthusiastically and yelled hi across to where I was standing making me smile and wave back. It seemed impossible not to return his smile.

The shout had caused Hebe to look up from what she was doing. Upon seeing Tristan, now frantically waving at her, she blushed pink and waved back grinning from ear to ear. I heard Kathy call me from upstairs.

I chanced a glance at Bradley but his back was turned to me, disappointed I went upstairs to see what Kathy wanted.

A/N Thank you for reading! :)

Cappuccinos and Chocolate CookiesWhere stories live. Discover now