Chapter 5

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I yawned quietly from the back of History. How come every time I look at the clock it hasn't changed? I looked across the classroom to see my friends eyes actually closed. I wanted to follow suit but I needed to concentrate in history, it was a difficult subject. It was just so boring. A buzzing in my pocket made me jump but fortunately only Nathan, the boy who sat next to me, noticed. He looked at me questioningly and I pointed to my lit up phone screen. He nodded and went back to doodling.

Kathy: Sorry to interrupt you at school pet, Brad came into the shop and said you'd be on break. He wants to know your favourite chocolate bar? x

I smiled and replied immediately.

Lucy: Time out! Xx

I didn't get a reply from her but at least our conversation distracted me from my insane boredom.

The bell went and finally I could escape. Chloe came up to me,

"How can anyone find that shit interesting?" she sighed as we walked to our next class; Math. Brilliant. When we got there I prepared for another hour of torture. As soon as Mrs Fisher started talking I whipped my phone out to text Hebe.

Lucy: You feeling better? I'm having Hebe withdrawal symptoms :( x

I tucked my phone away; it was about half an hour before I got her reply.

Hebe: Yeah I should be in tomorrow x

Lucy: Good! By the way, I forgot to tell you... Tristan said 'Get better soon' :)

Hebe: OMG did he really!? That's so sweet! When?

Lucy: Yesterday, he came in for cookies

Unfortunately I never found out if Hebe replied because as soon as I sent my reply, Mrs Fisher swooped in on me and took my phone. I slumped back in my seat and saw Chloe smirking across the classroom. I threw her a dirty look and she laughed.

After school I went home. Nobody was in so I got ready for work and left quickly. As soon as I got to Starbucks Kathy was ready to leave.

"You're a life saver Lucy!" she called as she hurried out.

Tired I tied my hair back in a ponytail. Even up it almost reached the middle of my spine. I twirled it around to make a bun and pulled my apron over it. Settling into the routine I served and cleaned. It wasn't busy which was fortunate as it was only me in.

"Think you need a Time out," a familiar Birmingham accent laughed.

"Brad" I smiled leaning over the counter to give him a hug. I was shocked at my forwardness and it seemedthat he was as well. He looked down trying to conceal his ever so slightly pink cheeks. He looked adorable.

"Hello Lucy May," he looked up grinning. I loved the way he called me that, nobody else did. It made it special. "I brought you something," he plucked something small from his pocket and dropped it onto the counter. It was blue and shiny and once examined I realised it was a Time-Out chocolate bar.

It was ridiculous but I felt so touched. "Thank you, that's so sweet Brad." I told him quietly.

"It's alright! The usual when you're ready," he grinned and leaned on the counter. He looked so good. It was the first time I had seen him without a beanie hat on and his dark brown curls looked gorgeous. I turned round to the coffee machine and smiled, truly happy.


Lucy turned around and I watched her. Her long, brown hair was scraped up into a high, messy bun and her apron was coming undone. She turned back around to face me with two of the four coffees and smiled. Her smile lit up the room, for me at least. It was literally impossible not to return it.

"So what's your question for today?" she asked her eyes sparkling. I thought for a second and decided on,

"Favourite colour?"

"That's a rubbish question!"

"I want to know!" She laughed and thought carefully for a moment.

"Purple," she decided. The machine beeped and she turned around to get the other two coffees.

Times up. We get to chat for about five minutes a day whilst she prepares the order and then I have to leave. I wish we could talk for longer.

"Here we go," she spoke slowly as she set them cups in the tray for me to carry. I paid and turned to the door. I opened the door and went to say goodbye when she called out.

"What's yours?"

"Red," I said automatically, "See you later Lucy May."

A/N As always thank you so much for taking the time to read! I'm really sorry for not updating sooner but I have been mega busy! Hope you enjoy this chapter and don't hesitae to give me feedback! xx

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