Jaeden's POV

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I'm so happy Sophia is alive! I'm not happy that I am cover in mud and tied to a bed beside Jack.
"This is bullshit! Bullshit I say!" Jack yells
"How are we supposed to get out of here?" I ask
"Gee I wish I knew!" Jack says.
"I wish these ropes weren't so tight it's giving me a rash." I say
Jack starts moving his wrists around and ends up moving his whole body.
"Would you be still?" I ask
"I am trying to free my self sir." Jack says am continues squirming around.
"You it's gonna be funny when you fall off the-". PLOP! Jack fell if the bed.
I couldn't help but laugh. I stop laughing when Jack screams.
"What? What is it?" I ask
"T-buh-buh-ohmy-" Jack stutters he sounds like my IT character (Stuttering Bill Denbrough)
"What is it man spit it out! " I say
"Buh-buh-BODY!" He screams and tries his best to climb back onto the bed. I help him up with my legs. "What do you mean Body?" I ask
"There.... Is... A... Body, human body." Jack says out of breath.
"A dead body?" I ask
"Ya, it's either dead or in a coma." Jack says.
"Where is it?" I ask looking around
"Under the bed."
"Okay, we gotta get out of here before we end up like that." I say
We both start squirming around trying to get out of the ropes but carefully not falling off the bed.
"Ugh! How is it even possible to tie this hard of a knot?" Jack asks
I don't answer instead I just stop and stare at the ceiling. I want to leave. I want to get Sophia to safety. I want to-I drift off the sleep.

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