Chapter 7

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Previously on Long Lost Cinderella...... ( Jacob Latimore Fan Fic)

I needed my georgraphy book, but my stupid locker wouldn't ipen. Thats until Jacob came, lightly punched it and it opened.

"You're welcome." he smirked.

"I didn't need your help, Jacob" I stuck out my tongue.

"But I need yours. Would you like to be my date for the masqerade ball friday?" he asked getting on one knee.

"I-I-Its-I" I stuttered.

I didn't know what to say. I really liked Jacob inside, but I was just so confused. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over Jacob's head. It was my dad. He was talking to my spanish teacher Ms.Flora. I watched as he held her waist, hugged and kissed her. I couldn't believe this. My dad was dating my spanish teacher. Tears started forming again. I looked down at Jacob and took a deep breath before answering.

"I'm sorry, Jacob." I said before running off to the girls bathroom.

"Jamie." Jacob called softly still on his knees by my locker. He was probably heart broken.

I cried over the zinc and watched in the mirror as my mascara started to run. A few minutes later after I got cleaned up I made my way to (guess what) spanish class. Just my luck. I came through the door and stopped when Ms.Flora stopped teaching.

"Jamie. You're late." Ms.Flora said spinning around in her chair to face me.

"Isn't it obvious?" Monica snickered laughing with her crew.

I didn't bother for the sorry I'm late crap again. Today just turned out horrible. I went to my seat when I got a glimpse of Jacob who was now really mad at me. He pretended not to see me so I took my seat and took out my spanish book.

Later at my locker I explained everything to Cassidy and Gabrielle.

"Girl, you didn't say yes?!!!" Cassidy look like she wanted to mind slap me.

"No.." I folded my arms and leaned against my locker.

"Wow. So I guess since Jacob is pissed off you'll be going to the dance alone." Monica commented.

"Yah as if he'll go with you." Gabrielle rolled her eyes.

"Oh, really?" Monica signaled Jacob to come over. He wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey, Gabrielle. Cassidy." Jacob greeted pretending like he didnt see me.

" Ugh! You're such a jerk!" I spat before pushing past him and going to the cafeteria.

"I hope you two have a nice life together." Cassidy stuck up her middle finger at Monica before following behind me and Gabrielle.

Jacob's POV:

I felt so guilty now. I really liked Jamie, but she just left without a no or yes. She made it seem like she didnt even care.

End PoV~

Thx for reading!! Okay, next chap is the dance so comment and vote if u want me to update

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