Chapter 29 *short*

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After school Jordan avoided Gabrielle and I so we had no ride except Gabrielle's mom. I thought to myself that Jordan would get over it soon enough. Besides all what I'm hearing could just be 'rumors'. Is Hailie that cruel? Soon Gabrielle's mom arrived and dropped me over at Hailie's house or mansion? The automatic gold gates opened and Gabrielle's mom drove in. I exited the car only to be wrapped up in a big bear hug.

"Jamie!" It was Hailie.. This was weird.. She's hugging me..

"Hey, Hailie" I smiled awkwardly

"Its tots amazing for you to be here, Jamie! Is Gabrielle staying? Gabby, you have to stay. I have a sushi chef flying all the way from Japan. He's amazing. You have to taste--"

"Nope. I'm busy" Gabrielle interrupted Hailie's non stop talking

"K, bye!" Hailie smiled

"Is Jerry picking you up, Jamie?" Gabrielle asked

"Yeah...sadly" I rolled my eyes

"K!" Gabrielle waved goodbye

I watched as Gabrielle's mom's car skirched off. I just wanted to scream 'Take me with you!!" I snapped out of my thoughs when I noticed the thousand of eyes on me. Hailie and most of her squad.

"Coming in?" Hailie asked

"Yeah" I nodded

Gabrielle's POV:

I promised Jordan I'd meet her over at Hashenton. We needed to talk to someone who could probably help us. My mom dropped me off at Hashenton. I waited for her car to fade away before giving Jordan the signal. She came from beside the building.

"Hey" I greeted. She gave me a half smile. I could tell she was still a bit mad.

We made our way over to Hashenton's field. I watched Jordan's body tense up of bad memories of her brother, but she sighed and tried not to show it. But I saw it. The hate she had towards Hailie just built up inside. Thats when we saw the person we were looking for. I smiled at the familiar long light brown haired girl. It was the one and only Jayda Andrews. Jacob's sister

"Hey, girlies!" Jayda turned around

"Hey, Jay! How's Hashenton?" I asked

"Its good but still not better than Riddleton. I miss you guys" she hugged us

"We miss you too" Jordan smiled

"So what brings you to hell?" Jayda asked referring to Hashenton

"We need some help. You know Hailie Brathway, right?" Jordan asked

"Yeah, what about her?" Jayda asked

"She's having a party and she practically hates my friend Jamie's guts" Jordan started

"Oh... I remember Jamie! Jacob and her dated! She was all he talked about" Jayda laughed

"Yeah and Hailie even tried to ruin Jamie's squad's routine at the game. She hates all of us so we were wondering why she'd invite us to her party? It seems too fishy so we wanted you to--"

"Do some undercover spy work" Jayda jumped up excitedly

"Uh..yeah" I nodded

"No worries. I'm like a double agent. I can find out what Hailie is up to." Jayda nodded

"Thanks so much, Jay!" We hugged her then left

Jamie's POV:

I sat uncomfortably in the middle of Hailie's squad and listened as they talked about a bunch of cute random guys I didn't know. The feeling of regret controlled my body. Why did I say yes? I don't even know what they're talking about. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jacob's name.

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